Hi all,
I recently added three gold rams to my tank (I wanted a pair but they accidentally put three in when I bought them and I only noticed the extra one once I had got them home). The tank already has a male and female pair of German Blues. I’m wondering if it’s possible to tell the genders of the gold ones, or if they’re still too young? I’m worried there might be too many males and the female/s might get stressed by this. Temperament wise they all seem to chase each other at times but the biggest of the golds (the one in the first picture) seems to be doing more chasing than the others and is also chasing the female German Blue quite often. I’ve read that rams should ideally be kept in pairs - is it a problem to have an odd number, especially if there are more males? Should I add another ram to balance things out? Any advice would be much appreciated!
Thanks so much!
I recently added three gold rams to my tank (I wanted a pair but they accidentally put three in when I bought them and I only noticed the extra one once I had got them home). The tank already has a male and female pair of German Blues. I’m wondering if it’s possible to tell the genders of the gold ones, or if they’re still too young? I’m worried there might be too many males and the female/s might get stressed by this. Temperament wise they all seem to chase each other at times but the biggest of the golds (the one in the first picture) seems to be doing more chasing than the others and is also chasing the female German Blue quite often. I’ve read that rams should ideally be kept in pairs - is it a problem to have an odd number, especially if there are more males? Should I add another ram to balance things out? Any advice would be much appreciated!
Thanks so much!