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I have a couple of Apistogramma cf. eunotus who come from probably of huallaga rio. They laid several times but i have never see fry.
Anyone know the parameters of this rio ? I search on the net but i don't found.
Hi all,
It joins the Rio Maranon (Amazon tributary) above Iquitos, so well into the Andes piedmont. Because it is running over fairly young rock geologically I would expect it to be relatively base rich, and have similar water to the Ucayali. I assume that the Apistogramma were collected from small forest streams, but I still wouldn't expect these to have a really low pH and conductivity.
A. cf. eunotus (Huallaga) comes from the same streams as A. baenschi. These streams are mixed clear/blackwater flowing over fine sand, covered by leaf litter. Try breeding in moderately soft water with a pH around 5.5 to 6.0.