Hello everyone! I am new to the forum and I have a question for you. I have a male Apisto cacatuoides and 2 females that were purchased together when they were very young. They have grown to maturity, and my male has chosen one female and rejected the other. They have never reproduced, but are definitely are what I would consider a mated pair because they shake their little tail fins at each other constantly and chase off the other female. The other female is the one I’m concerned about. Her color has darkened and she is obviously stressed. I had considered getting a third female just to give her some company, but I worry about the male being even more aggressive. The tank is a 20 gallon long and is well planted with plenty of caves and site blockers. There are 10 other fish in the tank, but they are very small and docile. Neon tetras, Harlequin Rasporas, etc.
What can I do to cheer up my rejected female?
What can I do to cheer up my rejected female?