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New pairs of A. Nijsseni and Ivanacara Adoketa


New Member
Hi guys!
This weekend I bought 2 new juvenile pairs of A. Nijsseni and I. Adoketa, 2 beautiful species that I've wanted a long time. So for the Adoketa I know I can't put anything otherwise they will manage to eat them, but for the A. Nijsseni is there anything that I can add ? Corys? Tetras?

Let me know, later today I will post photos of them since I don't want to make to much noise arround them because it's only the second day at the new home for them...


Well-Known Member
but for the A. Nijsseni is there anything that I can add ? Corys? Tetras?
Unless your tank is well structured and has a footprint of 120x50cm or more I advise to stay away from any other bottomdweller.
Read up here on the topic of catfish and dwarf cichlids:

If the tank is supposed to be a display tank, tetras between 2.5 and 5cm length are fine, as are all pencilfish and the catfish listed as ok in the thread linked above. Also stay clear of other dwarf cichlids. When it comes to tankmates from other continents I'm out. Biotope freak. :)

In case you wish to breed:
No tetras, only pencilfish. Tetras prey on fry.
You are aware A. nijsseni might take some attempts until the female accepts a male? (Means you might have to switch the male a few times.)


New Member
Unless your tank is well structured and has a footprint of 120x50cm or more I advise to stay away from any other bottomdweller.
Read up here on the topic of catfish and dwarf cichlids:

If the tank is supposed to be a display tank, tetras between 2.5 and 5cm length are fine, as are all pencilfish and the catfish listed as ok in the thread linked above. Also stay clear of other dwarf cichlids. When it comes to tankmates from other continents I'm out. Biotope freak. :)

In case you wish to breed:
No tetras, only pencilfish. Tetras prey on fry.
You are aware A. nijsseni might take some attempts until the female accepts a male? (Means you might have to switch the male a few times.)
I think maybe they will remain alones in the aquariums to prevent any damage to other fish or themselves.
Yes, the main reason is to watch them grow, breed and grow the frys... Didn't know that about the males, let's see what happens with this ones, otherwise i will have to buy another from the same spot because this ones are wild and I don't want to mix with a normal one.


Well-Known Member
this ones are wild and I don't want to mix with a normal one.
Still the same species and A. nijsseni haven't been linebred to different forms than the wild form yet. So I don't see much necessity to uphold that separation. But if you have access to wild caught fish, do it.

Yes, the main reason is to watch them grow, breed and grow the frys..
I assume you already know where to get rid of all the juveniles? (Sorry, I've come to always make sure before giving any advise on breeding.)


Well-Known Member
I have a four year old female a. nijjensi and while i have mix her with a few fishes over the years she is on the more aggressive side - i dont' remember how aggressive the pair was before the male died but i imagine a bit worse. Definitely not on the passive side. I wouldn't put another dwarf cichild with her in anything smaller than a 40 and even then you are pushing it. I had her with a pair of D50 in a 40 and it still caused some conflict even though the D50 eventually pushed her to the other parts of the aquarium - when i noticed the conflict i removed her and now she is in a 29 with some ember tetra and sparkling gourami (which is not a good fit as she has gone after the gourami). She does leave the eques alone.


New Member
Still the same species and A. nijsseni haven't been linebred to different forms than the wild form yet. So I don't see much necessity to uphold that separation. But if you have access to wild caught fish, do it.

I assume you already know where to get rid of all the juveniles? (Sorry, I've come to always make sure before giving any advise on breeding.)
Ok, got it.
Let's see how the female behave...
The frys some I will keep and some I will give it to the guy that sold me the pair xD I think i can manage them well...


New Member
I have a four year old female a. nijjensi and while i have mix her with a few fishes over the years she is on the more aggressive side - i dont' remember how aggressive the pair was before the male died but i imagine a bit worse. Definitely not on the passive side. I wouldn't put another dwarf cichild with her in anything smaller than a 40 and even then you are pushing it. I had her with a pair of D50 in a 40 and it still caused some conflict even though the D50 eventually pushed her to the other parts of the aquarium - when i noticed the conflict i removed her and now she is in a 29 with some ember tetra and sparkling gourami (which is not a good fit as she has gone after the gourami). She does leave the eques alone.
Thank you!
They will remain alones.


New Member
If you bought 1 pair each there is a chance that they might not form breeding pairs. Both species can be choosy with breeding partners.
they are still young, i will wait for them to reach the sexual maturity and then see if I have to buy some more.... What kind of signals I should see if the female doesn't accept the male ?

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