Hi I currently have every pencil fish from Peru. Pencils 1-4. Including the recently discovered super red cenepa (4) Also the highly sought after balsopuerto newly discovered bitaeniata also known as Floricho. I have pacullpensis, apistogrammma Diamante aka diamond face (my personal favorite. They’re absolutely insane), a. Paulmuelleri aka Cara Pintada, very few A. Ladislao pairs, A. Nijsseni, same with A. Huascar. Also have Peruvian Otocinclus Affinus (common oto). Bitaeniata Shishita as well as balsopuerto. Very few considering keeping A winklefleck. Beyond words to describe this amazing Apisto.
Other than that currently breed Ivanacara Adoketa have breeding pairs ready and ivanacara bimaculata with fry growing out.
Also have cacatuoides Quadruple reds growing same as macmasteri red should and max gold red shoulders.
I also have this week coming in pigmy sunfish from a phd scientist who collects for the Smithsonian bringing me 10 pairs each of the known species as well
As 20 of a brand new species he has identified. So excited!!!!
Other than that currently breed Ivanacara Adoketa have breeding pairs ready and ivanacara bimaculata with fry growing out.
Also have cacatuoides Quadruple reds growing same as macmasteri red should and max gold red shoulders.
I also have this week coming in pigmy sunfish from a phd scientist who collects for the Smithsonian bringing me 10 pairs each of the known species as well
As 20 of a brand new species he has identified. So excited!!!!