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Need Help On a New Cichlid tank...



I am a complete beginner at this, so type slowly and use small word. :p

I was looking into getting a fish tank (a 29 gallon starter kit tank at Walmart to be specific) and I was doing some research on what type of fish to stock it with when I came upon this delightfull type of fish.

Now I really want a tank with some Cichlids in it, but since I have a small tank, I have read that dwarfs are the way to go.

My question is, what would be a good loud-out of fish to put in there? I only want a couple of cichlid and some other types of fish in there as well. Can anybody help me on what type/how many fish I should put in there?

Thanks in advance, if I am being unclear, or unhelpfull in any way, please let me know and I will try my best to clarify.


Staff member
5 Year Member
Stoughton, WI
A 29 gallon has the same bottom spac as a twenty long, which is generally a good size for pair of dwarf cichlids. Height does do much for cichlids. I would do a pair of something cool but easy for your first cichlids... such as Apisto borelli or cackatoides, or a nice pair of west african pelvicachromis. Use some dither fish that swim in the upp water column like tetras, livebearers or small barbs. Four or five small dithers would do well. I would also use bristle-nose plecos for algae control.


tjudy said:
A 29 gallon has the same bottom spac as a twenty long, which is generally a good size for pair of dwarf cichlids. Height does do much for cichlids. I would do a pair of something cool but easy for your first cichlids... such as Apisto borelli or cackatoides, or a nice pair of west african pelvicachromis. Use some dither fish that swim in the upp water column like tetras, livebearers or small barbs. Four or five small dithers would do well. I would also use bristle-nose plecos for algae control.
Ok, I just checked my bank account and realized that a 29 gallon tank might be pushing it a little. Could I get away with a pair of cichlids and some other fish in a 10 gallon be too much for a 10g tank?

Thanks in advance.


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.


Geez, you made your first mistake already. You checked your bank accnt. before you bought the 29g. :D In truth, you would find it much easier and more rewarding to start with a little bigger tank than a 10g. They are fine for a pair of some fish and a few dithers, but they are less forgiving for slight beginner mistakes. If you do need to stick with a 10, be aware that you are interested in fish that may beat each other up and will require places to escape the aggression.

I would spend a few days reading previous posts, via a search and start getting your feet wet in knowledge before you jump into the tank itself. I think that you will inevitably be glad you did!

Good luck,



Active Member
5 Year Member
toronto, canada
there are some nice fish that will fit into a 10 gal. the most common beginner mistake is shoving too many fish into a tank, then buying more tanks, more fish etc.

a pair of smaller dwarfs, 4 tetras (say borellii's and neons, glowlights or cardinals)and a small algae eater would be a good start. let things settle down and see how it goes.

what are your tapwater parameters? some fish are better in slightly harder water than others. selecting fish that will work with your water is a great place to start.


bumblebee odyssey

New Member
5 Year Member
I was woundering ...

If anyone can throw some of that great help my way...

i have the fish listed below and am interested in getting dwarf or small var of cichlids to go with my mixed community tank.. i'm looking at nothing over 10cm maxx...

ppl have mentioned flamebacks and hongis but to find accurate info i'm finding difficult can anyone tell me if they are ok to add to my tank? and what they actually look like?.. also would rams be ok? and lastley any other opptions i may have (pics and info would be greatly appreciated)... i'm trying to research all i can before getting anything i dont want to hurt or stress out any fish so please be patient with me....

thank you all for your time... :D


Active Member
5 Year Member
toronto, canada
30 x 18 x 18 / 231 = 42 gal.

the question is, what would be a suitable match for the apistogramma cacatuoides in a 45 gal tank. imo, the goldfish are not a great match for that tank. what is a 'rainbow cichlid'? what is a 'muscle'? personally i would not put in any similar apistogramma's, but possibly keyholes (aequidens maronii) or any other mild aequidens or acara that doesn't get too big might be good.


bumblebee odyssey

New Member
5 Year Member
is it really 42 gallons?

well its much bigger then i thought.....volume wise...

its a freshwater muscle... umm lives in a shell filters the tank... wont grow any quicker then i would! *laffs*... and the rainbow cichlid (as it was called in the aquarium i bought it from) grows to 4.5 inch max.. non agressive unless spawning.. <i bought 2of the same sex...2 females..... not that it matters much... they both mysteriously passed away last night! :cry: >

i'm not sure if i'll buy them again....

from reseach i'v done i'm looking at... berollii, flameback,lab hongi, and rams.....

i'm not sure which or how many of each..max 2 of each kind..

as for the rest... the goldfish are loving it with the rest of their tank mates... they swim around together all the time... even my loach enjoys a lap with the goldfish... i'v had them since day one... (btw its not a chase eachother and nip play they more like parallel swim)

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