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Need help fixing broken aquarium


New Member
5 Year Member
Corvallis, Or
Hi, I recently aquired this nice 15gallon aquarium, it is perfect for shell-dwellers, and I found a good fish store that carries Neolamprologus caudopunctatus.

I spent yesterday cleaning the aquarium out, and scraping the painted background off (why would someone wan't to paint a tank?). After a few hours of cleaning it, I finally filled it up with water, it turns out there is a big crack that runs the length of the tank on the bottom glass plate, and the tank cannot hold water. Bummer...

But then I remembered that ApistoDave had a much larger tank that had cracks much worse than mine on the bottom plate, and he managed to fix it.

My question is how would I go about repairing the bottom plate of glass? Should I seal a new piece of glass, or plexi glass under it to help stabilize it? I know it can be done, because I saw the one at Dave's house, and the cracks were much worse on that one. I got this tank for free, so I am not worried about breaking it beyond repair, besides, if it still doesn't work after I re-seal it, I could always use it as a terrarium (I could upgrade my leopard gecko from its current 10gallon home, to a slightly larger 15gallon).

Any help, and input would be great.



New Member
5 Year Member
River Falls WI
I replaced the bottom glass on a 55... I cut off the entire plastic base with a razor blade, then removed the bottom & had a custom glass shop make a replacement. (Had them drill holes too; might as well... :) ) Then glued the whole thing back down again. It's now my grow-out tank.



New Member
5 Year Member
Burlington, Vermont
Hi, I've fixed a few aquariums by tracing a tiny bead of silcone along the crack inside and out. Then I sandwiched the crack in between two peices of window pane glass. Then trace silicone around the edge of each peice. It leaves an ugly scar, but that is fine for fry rearing tanks or it can be covered by some creative planting or interior decorating. Being on the bottom, I don't think that would be an issue for you.

As far as strength, I think it's much stronger than before it was cracked. You still have most of the strength of the old glass being reinforced with the window glass. It serves as both a splint and a water tight patch (bandage). I've done 4 or 5 this way and never had a leak there again.



New Member
5 Year Member
Burlington, Vermont
Forgot to mention:
Of course where the crack meets a seam, all the old silicone needs to be cleaned out to ensure a good seal.

By the way, that's how I got most of my cracked tanks. Free-Bee's! 8) I thought to myself,"I can fix that!".

I've got a "free" 55 gal I need to patch soon.



Staff member
5 Year Member
Stoughton, WI
For a 15 gallon? I think that you will find purchasing a new one to be A LOT less hassle than trying to fix it. I have seen 15's in stores for about $30. If you use 1/4 inch plate for the bottom, you will pay at least $10 for the glass, plus more for the silicone. I would buy a new tank and get a lizard for the cracked one.

The reason people paint the outsides of tanks is because tape on backgrounds do not last; and if you are going to have a bare bottom tank, the fish appreciate not being able to see through the floor.


New Member
5 Year Member
monroe, or

Lot's of us paint our tanks on the outside, all my breeders and growouts are painted blue on the bottom, 1 side, and the back.

I agree with Ted on buying a new tank. I have scraped and resealed several tanks, it's not that hard, but it does take some time. The expense of the silicone is significant too.

Just for your information, when I did reseal a 55g and a 20g one day, I used half of a caulking gun sized tube. The silicone was AGA brand and was about $10. It would probably cost more if you got the silicone at our lfs in Corvallis.


New Member
5 Year Member
Corvallis, Or
I've decided to turn the 15gallon into a terrarium, because today I picked up a 20gallon tall for free (woohoo!). Well that solves my problem, thanks for all of the input though guys, it was very useful.

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