Hi Community,
Wondering if one of my apisto fry is sick? This little apisto trifasciata juvie has been sitting in her hair algae “house” all day. (I think it’s a she?) Her gills seem swollen - or sticking out’ish - and breathing a little fast? Haven’t seen her eat today. Does the inside of her head seem a little pink too or am I just overthinking?
pH: 6.7
ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrate: 5.0ppm
Posted a video link. I did a big water change and added 2 tsp of salt to the 10 gallon growout tank just in case. The other 3 juveniles seem fine, but they are much much smaller. Any insight is much appreciated!! Thank u!
Wondering if one of my apisto fry is sick? This little apisto trifasciata juvie has been sitting in her hair algae “house” all day. (I think it’s a she?) Her gills seem swollen - or sticking out’ish - and breathing a little fast? Haven’t seen her eat today. Does the inside of her head seem a little pink too or am I just overthinking?
pH: 6.7
ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrate: 5.0ppm
Posted a video link. I did a big water change and added 2 tsp of salt to the 10 gallon growout tank just in case. The other 3 juveniles seem fine, but they are much much smaller. Any insight is much appreciated!! Thank u!