Hey all,
So I see lots of people asking about 5 gallon aquariums on many forums (myself included), and have personally been asked may times. So I decided to start compiling a list from people who do nano aquariums. Please note this is not a thread about the ethics of a 5 vs a 10. This is simply: these fish or invertebrates will work.
Now I have two apistogrammas listed that I have been told her will work. Are there any others? Or any other you would like to add to the list?
I would love to append more fish, and also a collection of plants that are recommended. The fish here have been qualified with a bunch of people over the last few years, or a lot of effort I have over on fishlore. I would love to get some additional feedback here, since there is usually a different viewpoint here.
What can go in a five? Many, many options. Many of which will start arguments. This is a list that people have been successful with. It’s not a guarantee but it is a place to start.
So I see lots of people asking about 5 gallon aquariums on many forums (myself included), and have personally been asked may times. So I decided to start compiling a list from people who do nano aquariums. Please note this is not a thread about the ethics of a 5 vs a 10. This is simply: these fish or invertebrates will work.
Now I have two apistogrammas listed that I have been told her will work. Are there any others? Or any other you would like to add to the list?
I would love to append more fish, and also a collection of plants that are recommended. The fish here have been qualified with a bunch of people over the last few years, or a lot of effort I have over on fishlore. I would love to get some additional feedback here, since there is usually a different viewpoint here.
What can go in a five? Many, many options. Many of which will start arguments. This is a list that people have been successful with. It’s not a guarantee but it is a place to start.
- Endlers (males preferably, add a female and you had best e selling a lot of babies all the time)
- Dwarf Mosquitofish / Heterandria formosay
- Guppy
- Fancy Guppy
- Betta
- Licorice Gourami
- Green Neon Tetra (not really green)
- Ember Tetras (debated)
- Scarlet Badis
- Celestial Pearl Danios
- Chili rasboras
- Dwarf Rasbora / Boraras maculatus
- Mosquito Rasbora / Boraras brigittae
- Some types of Killifish
- Dwarf Puffer
- Asian Stone Catfish
- Smallest Gobbies
- Lamprologus Ocellatus; (use caution and watch for aggression)
- Neolamprologus multifasciatus/similis; (use caution and watch for aggression)
- Apistogramma wapisana; (use caution and watch for aggression)
- Apistogramma borellii; (use caution and watch for aggression)
- Cherry Shrimp (all varieties)
- Crystal Shrimp (all varieties)
- Ghost Shrimp
- Amano Shrimp
- Spiki Snail
- Pond Snail (beware)
- Nerite Snail