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Hello, from Charleston, SC.

Nathan Corbett

New Member
Charleston, SC
I am new to this hobby and still learning. I started by leaving a large chain pet store with a little 5 gallon glofish tank and 6 glofish. Needless to say I knew nothing and made a lot of mistakes. That tank is now a betta tank. Now with a lot of research and time I have a cycled and well taken care of 35 gallon dwarf cichlid tank. My love for dwarf cichlids came when I went to a local fish store and watched a Bolivian Ram watching me. I now have a male Bolivian Ram, a female German Blue Ram, and a pair of Cockatoo Apistos....and a bunch of fry. So now I am in uncharted territory again. The Apistos I bought were juveniles. They did not give me a chance to learn about what to do with babies. LOL. Back to learning. What do I feed them? How do I feed them? How do I do water changes with them? What next?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Wake Forest NC, USA
For best survival, get some brine shrimp eggs and hatch them in an inverted soda bottle with aeration. With cockatoos you can usually raise some on dry or frozen foods, but live fresh-hatched BS will give you better survival and growth. Also toss in some fallen tree leaves (oak, maple, magnolia, ash, elm ...) -- they will provide fish food "bugs" as they decay.

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Josh wrote on anewbie's profile.
Longtime fish enthusiast for over 70years......keen on Apistos now. How do I post videos?
Looking for some help with fighting electric blue rams :(
Partial updated Peruvian list have more than this. Please PM FOR ANY QUESTIONS so hard to post with all the ads poping up every 2 seconds….