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General Questions


5 Year Member
South Carolina
Hello everybody.

I have two questions I would like to get opinions on.
First I have a 55 gal tank w/7 angels about 2" + in size. I would like to place baby corys and baby cacs about 1" in size in the tank to grow out. How safe is that?

Question two. I set up a 29gal H with a densly planted center (from front to back). The sides are sand substrate w/many caves (clay pots, coconut shells). I also have lots of wood and oak leaves all over the place. I want to place two pairs of cacs (now in separate tanks and breeding). My concern is Will the dominant male take over both females? I feel sorry for the one that loses his mate. My other choice is to place one pair of cacs and a pair of Pel Taeniatus either Molawi or Nyete (also in other tanks breeding).

What is your take on this?

Thanks for all the help.



5 Year Member
Sydney, NSW Australia

55gal I see no problem with what you suggest
29gal I would restrict to one male only, set up 1M and 2F. Also I would not add the Pel Ten. They would compete.
Honest opinion of mine. cheers jk :biggrin:

electric eel

5 Year Member
you are asking for trouble if you mix fish with 7 -2"angelfish.i've lost count of how many pairs of angels i've had and i always tell people angelfish are much like people their personalities vary greatly.i've had some that were very peaceful and some that would kill any fish i put in with them.i had one male(i REALLY wanted fry from)that killed 3 females before i gave up and got rid of him.they seem peaceful and sometimes people forget that they are cichlids.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Maybe you can put 1 male cacatuoides in the tank. Once he breeds with the females, remove him. The next time you want to breed the females, use the other male. In other words, "share the wealth". I do this with some of my fish. It varies the genetics of your offspring.


5 Year Member
South Carolina
Hello everyone,

Thanks for the input.

Mike, I have two pairs of cacs. Both are breeding, but are in separate tanks. I can keep them in two 10gal tanks, but I feel like I am wasting a 29gal tank for just one pair. To rephrase the question, what other dwarf cichlid pair can I put with them in the 29gal tank.

The same Dilemma applies to pairs of Pelv Taeniatus that I have. I can put them in 10 gal tanks w/some dithers or I can put them in 29gal w/another dwarf cichlid pair and dithers.

As for the angels I have been keeping them w/Platies and never had a problem. I guess like electric eel says....it's all about personality.

What I am dealing with is the problem we all face. Limited space and great ambitions.

Thanks again for any suggestions.


electric eel

5 Year Member
i'm just thinking that if your angels are 2inches plus they should start to pair up soon and what you will probably end up with is a pair keeping all the other fish(other angels included) corraled up on one end of the 55.i always used to put 6-8 angels(before i started forced pairing them) about that size in a 55gallon when i was trying to get them to pair off and i have had groups kill pretty good sized bristlenose that i was using for tank cleaners.on the other hand i have a 4 to 5 inch long beautiful adult koi angelfish that i have mixed with juvy rams and angels and he is as peaceful as a lamb but he is useless for breeding(he always gets beat up)i have'nt the heart to get rid of him cause he is so goodnatured.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Mike, I have two pairs of cacs. Both are breeding, but are in separate tanks. I can keep them in two 10gal tanks, but I feel like I am wasting a 29gal tank for just one pair.

If it were my 29 gal tank and I wanted a breeding tank, then I would put the 2 males and 2 females in the tank together. Place a piece of floating pipe on the surface of the tank if the subdominant male needs a place to hide from the fish who claim the bottom. If he becomes too stressed, then remove him. A 29 is a good size for breeding a trio of cacs.

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