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Hey folks, just wondering, what temperature should the dicrossus sp. be kept at? Within the cichlid atlas book, it says that D. Filamentosus can be kept as low 22c. On different care guides, it says high 20s. Could the atlas be a tad bit outdated?
German fishkeepers always had a tendency to give lower temperatures, because for a long time we preferred unheated tanks. I know people that still keep cardinal tetras at 22°C. That will explain the numbers in that book. They show what's possible, but that is not the standard anymore.
I personally prefer dialing in temperatures as measured in the wild, so for all Dicrossus, which live in more or less equatorial regions, 26°C and up.
Fish from jungle-covered streams can handle cooler temperatures for short periods, like the rainy season. I however wouldn't keep them that cool for long periods.