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Cichlid aggression



I just purchased 2 Apistogrammas and have housed them in a 20 gallon tank w/ 3 silver dollar tetras. There's no aggression between the 2 species, but the bigger of the 2 cichlid's constantly chases the smaller one into the top corner of the tank behind the under gravel filter tube. I'm trying to figure out if one is male, one female, or if they're both males and just territorial. I set up 2 separate caves hoping 1 would stay in each, but the dominate has taken over both of them. Any suggestions as of what to do? Should I purchase more cichlids to take all the attention away from the weaker one? Or corner off the bullied fishes "area" w/ plants so he'll feel safer?


New Member
5 Year Member
Boston, MA
Hi there.

First, you'll want to determine the sex of your fish. Typically, male apistos are significantly larger and more colorful than females. As you can see from the gallery, Apisto females tend to be smaller and more non-descript (and are usually somewhat yellow, depending on how they're feeling):


Being cichlids, Apistos can be aggressive, particulary towards each other or other cichlids. You'll need to keep and eye on them to determine if the harrasssment constitutes a real threat to the smaller fish or is not a big deal. Adding plants, caves, hiding spots, and other cover definetly helps. The larger fish will generally only chase what he can see, so providing cover is essential.

You may need to seperate the fish if the smaller one is weakening. If you don't have an extra tank, try a small breeding net to keep them seperated (put the stronger fish in it, letting the weaker one swim in the rest of the tank). Once the smaller fish is looking strong again, try mixing them again.

If you have two males or two females, this may be an ongoing problem. Often a male/female combo will start out fighthing then work out their differences over time...but fish of the same sex may remain aggressive with each other. Bigger tanks, additional hiding spots, and other small community fish will decrease the agression, but with two Apisto males, it's unlikely to ever go fully away.

Finally, the type of Apisto matters. Some are more aggressive than others. Check out the gallery - if you can identify the specific Apisto breed, people in the forum will able to tell you more about how your fish might act.


They are Agassizzii Apistogrammas - I can't tell by the color which is which because they're both the exact same color - a bright orangish yellow...any other hints of finding the sex?
I've noticed the smaller one is coming out of it's corner little by little - it hides behind the tetras - but as soon as the larger one sees it he'll chase him up in the corner again...I feel so bad for the little guy!
We did (after much time and trouble!) net the larger one and could tell the little one had more confidence when he could swim around my himself..so, going by what the pet store owner said and assuming I have 1 male, 1 female - would it be recommended that I get 2 more females to take the pressure off of my little fish?
We're going to put some more caves and plants in tonight to see if it helps anything..


New Member
5 Year Member
Boston, MA
Well, there's considerable differences between male and female agassizi, even at a pretty young age. Size, their fin plumage, and color to name a few. I would look at Neil's picture galleries or just do a web search and try to determine if you've got two females. The yellow/orange description sounds like females to me.

I would add more caves and hiding spots before adding more fish. Another thing that could help would be more dither fish like cardinals. But 20 gallons is a pretty small tank.

First thing first - determine if you actually have a male/female combination. Then add more hiding spots. After that, think about getting more fish. Neil - at what age can you start seeing the differences between male and female agassizi? I suspect quite young.


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.


Check out the following link. It is a response to sexing elizabethae, which is very similar to agassizii. That might help with some clues. The body color of the fish is not always diagnostic, because there are so many color forms of agassizii. I have a hard time telling some of the males from females on a few of the species that I keep.


As far as aggression, jowens suggestions are excellent.


Thank you all - I will try to decipher the differences tonight! We talked to the store owner and he advised that we'd be able to tell when they started getting spots on their lateral fins - so I guess we'll just have to wait! Didn't think of asking how old they are!?!
Do you know how many different types there are of the Agassizzii species? Or are they just different colors? He was calling them by another name that sounded like it started w/ a Z...sorry for my ignorance...
Anyways...we bought some fake plants last night that are orange and yellow (like them!) and partitioned off my little guy's corner...we also got another rock for him to hide in...so far seems to be good, the bigger one is always patrolling the area looking for the smaller...but now he has a lot more hiding spots so is not as easy to view! What cool fish...sorry to rant but I'm very excited and proud of my purchase! :lol:

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