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British cichlid association spring convention auction list.


5 Year Member
Hi All, i know this is a international cichlid community but if your in the UK on Sunday 1st May, please try to come and see us..We have three lectures including Anton Lamboj talking about his Gabon collecting trip, there is a huge raffle supported by all the major manufacturers and topping the bill is a large box fronted aquarium and stand complete with filtration, lighting and heater, this item alone is worth over £600, supporting raffle prizes include heaters, filters and a mountain of foods from all the top manufacturers.

Full convention details can be found here. http://www.britishcichlid.org.uk/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=862

Highlight of the day for many is the auction, this is a south american cichlid hobbiests dream!! tops of very nice and desirable fish entered into this one.. The full list is below, please try and attend, clubs need all the help they can get in this day and age..

Pelivicachromis subocellatus sp Matadi
Nanacara taenia
Nanacara anomala
Corydoras aeneus<Long fin>
Corydoras aeneus
Corydoras aeneus
Corydoras plateatus
Ancistrus L144
Ancistrus L144
Ancistrus sp
Ancistrus sp
Buntbarsche Bulletin
Pelvicachromis taeniatus 'nigerian yellow' x 5
Pelvicachromis taeniatus 'nigerian yellow' x 5
L201, white spotted Hypancistrus. Wild
L052, Dekeyseria sp Wild
Discus 2"
Apistogramma eunotus 'Orangenschwanz' x5 F1
Whiptail catfish, Rineloricara sp 'Wild'
Cardinal tetra x 5, Wild, columbia
Apistogramma cacatuoides 'Gold' Pair
Apistogramma sp 'Broadband' wild pair
Apistogramma hongsloi wild x3
Microgeophagus ramerizi wild pair
Otocinclus sp.. Wild x 5
Otocinclus sp.. Wild x 5
Angelfish 5 x mixed marbles
Farowella catfish, Twig cat Wild
Discus 2"
Angelfish breeding pair
Rainbow tetras, Nematobrycon lacortei Wild, 1 pair
Apistogramma macmasteri 'Gold' x 5 juveniles
Apistogramma macmasteri F1 x 5 juveniles
Nanacara anomala Pair
Nanacara anomala x 5 juveniles
Nanostomus eque x 5 wild rocket pencilfish
Metriaclima sp “red top Gallireya†F1
Metriaclima sp “Daktari†Hai Reef F1
Labidochromis chisumulae F1
Labidochromis chisumulae F1
Cynotilapia sp “Hara†F1
Cynotilapia sp “Hara†F1
Pseudotropheus p “acei†Senga Bay
Apistogramma Hoignei F1 x 3
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Domestic Male/Female
Apistogramma Schwarzkin Male/Female F1
Apistogramma Pebas Male/Female F1
Apistogramma Masken F1 x 5
Apistogramma Eunotus F1 x 3
Apistogramma Morado Male/Female F1
Apistogramma Agassizi F1 x 5
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Domestic x 5
Apistogramma Morado MALE F1
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Domestic x 5
Apistogramma Eunotus F1 x 3
Apistogramma Morado MALE F1
Apistogramma Pebas Male/Female
Apistogramma Morado Male/Female F1
Apistogramma Eunotus F1 x 3
Apistogramma Agassizi F1 x 5
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Domestic x 5
Gold Severums
Gold Severums
Gold Severums
Gymnogeophagus Balzanni
Gymnogeophagus Balzanni
Gymnogeophagus Balzanni
F1 Brown Acara’s
F1 Brown Acara’s
F1 Brown Acara’s
Breeding Pair Albino Kribs
Breeding Pair Albino Kribs
Corydoras Elegans (wild Peru)
Corydoras Elegans (wild Peru)
Corydoras Julli (Wild Peru)
Corydoras Julli (Wild Peru)
Corydoras San Juan (Wild Peru)
Corydoras San Juan (Wild Peru)
Corydoras agassizi Wild Peru)
Corydoras agassizi Wild Peru)
Aequidens Rivulatus (Green Terror)
Corydoras sterbai
Corydoras sterbai
Corydoras Pygmaeus (Wild Columbia)
Corydoras Pygmaeus (Wild Columbia)
Platydoras Costatus - Choc Doradid – Raphael Catfish
Platydoras Costatus - Choc Doradid – Raphael Catfish
Red Jewel Cichlids
Red Jewel Cichlids
Red Jewel, Breeding pair (Stunning colours)
Albino Kribs
Dicrossus filamentosus wild x 3
Microglanis sp, wild x 4
Apistogramma baenschi, young pair
Apistogramma baenschi, young pair
Ancistrus sp. Wild x 2
Ancistrus sp. Wild x 2
L129 Columbian zebra plec
L129 Columbian zebra plec
Cardinal tetra x 5, Wild, columbia
Cardinal tetra x 5, Wild, columbia
Dicrossus filamentosus wild x 3
Apistogramma iniridae
Apistogramma sp 'Kelleri'
Nanostomus marilyne x 5 wild.
Nanostomus marilyne x 5 wild.
Chromidotilapia guntheri breeding trio
Chromidotilapia guntheri adults (unsexed)
Chromidotilapia guntheri juveniles
Chromidotilapia guntheri juveniles
Synodontis flavitaeniatus (Pyjama Cat)
Fluval U3 Internal power filter - Barely used for 90-150l tanks
Aqua vital 300W Heater
Elite 50W heater
Elite 300W heater
1kg SAK Energy Granular food - Ideal for Discus
JBL 18W UV Steriliser
Tetratec APS150 Air pump
Rena Air 200 Airpump
Interpet AV2 Airpump
Layal Air pump 120l/hr
Apistogramma cacatuoides x 5 Juveniles, bred from Triple red male & wild female.
"Apistogramma Cacatuoides x 5 juveniles
Bred from Triple Red Male & Wild Female
Plants - Ceratopteris thalictroides
Amazon Frogbit
Moscow Blue Guppies - Pair
Moscow Blue Guppies - Pair
10Kg Fine/Med Sand – perfect for dwarfs
10Kg Fine/Med Sand – perfect for dwarfs
Bag of out of date fishfood, (unopened)
Box of slate rocks
Bag of zeolite
Krobia sp 'Xingu red cheek'
Krobia sp 'Xingu red cheek'
Apistogramma alacrina Juveniles
Apistogramma alacrina Juveniles
Angelfish, wild x Blue cross..x 5 juveniles
Angelfish, wild x Blue cross..x 5 juveniles
Pair sturisoma panamense royal whiptails F1
Pair sturisoma panamense royal whiptails F1
1 x L333 F1 yellow king tigerplec
1 x L333 F1 yellow king tigerplec
6 bristle nose plecs
6 bristle nose plecs
6 bristle nose plecs
1 x L066 King tiger plecs F1
1 x L066 King tiger plecs F1
1 x L066 King tiger plecs F1
Apistogramma Eunotus F1 x 3
Apistogramma Morado MALE F1
Apistogramma Morado Male/Female F1
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Domestic Male/Female
Apistogramma Masken F1 x 5
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Domestic x 5
Apistogramma Hoignei F1 x 3
Apistogramma Pebas Male/Female F1
Apistogramma Morado MALE F1
Apistogramma Agassizi F1 x 5
Apistogramma Masken F1 x 5
Apistogramma Cacatuoides Domestic x 5
Apistogramma Morado MALE F1
Amphilophus hogarboomorum
Amphilophus hogarboomorum F1s (AquaMojo – Rio Chiloteca
Amphilophus hogarboomorum
Amphilophus hogarboomorum
Vieja bifasciata (wild caught)
Vieja bifasciata (wild caught)
Vieja bifasciata (wild caught)
Herichthys pantostictum (wild caught)
Herichthys pantostictum (wild caught)
Herichthys sp. “white labridens†(wild caught)
Herichthys sp. “white labridens†(wild caught)
Cichlasoma dimerus (wild caught)
Vieja zonatum (wild caught)
Young Biotecus opercularis F1
Nanochromis tranvestitus
Cleithacara maroni - Keyhole cichlids
Apistogramma agassizi 'fire red pair'
Nanacara aureocephalus
nanacara anomala
Corydoras 'sp Black'
Scleromystax prionotos
Young Koi angelfish
Tanichthys albonubes
Gymnogeophagus sp.Blue Neon â€Rio Valentino, Uruguayâ€. Group of 6 juveniles.
Nannacara aureocephalus“Sourourouâ€, Rio Sourourou, Guyana. Group of 3 F1 Juveniles.
Apistogramma cf.eunotus â€Mayorunaâ€, Rio Mayoruna, Peru. Wild adult pair.
Apistogramma cf.eunotusâ€Mayorunaâ€, Rio Mayoruna, Peru. Group of 6 F1 juveniles.
Apistogramma sp.Winkelfleck â€Dark A45â€. Group of 6 F1 juveniles.
Apistogramma barlowi â€Rojoâ€, Rio Yahuasyacu drainage, Peru. Wild adult pair.
Apistogramma sp. Masken “Rojoâ€, Rio Itaya drainage, Peru. Wild adult pair.
Apistogramma sp. Pebas â€Moradoâ€, Rio Ampiyacu drainage, Peru. Group of 6 F1 juveniles.
Apistogramma erythrura, Rio Mamore. F1 pair.
Apistogramma baenschi. F1 adult trio.
Apistogramma sp. Alto Tapiche, Rio Tapiche drainage, Peru. Group of 6 F1 juveniles.
Apistogramma sp. Oregon. Wild adult pair.
Apistogramma bitaeniata “Rio Tigreâ€, Rio Tigre drainage, Peru. Wild adult pair.
Apistogramma agassizii “Galvezâ€, Rio Galvez/RioYavari drainage, Peru. Group of 6 F1 juveniles.
Nannostomus rubrocaudatus “Red Pencil 2â€. Wild group of 6.
Boraras (Microrasbora) uropthalmoides, Wild group of 10.
Xiphophorus maculates â€Bleeding Heartâ€, Bleeding heart platy. Rare German domestic form. Trio 1m/2f.
Xiphophorus maculates â€Bleeding Heartâ€, Bleeding heart platy. Rare German domestic form. Trio 1m/2f.
Clea (Anentome) helena, Assassin snail. Group of 6.
Satanoperca daemon Wild caught X2
Back to Nature “Amazon†background 5ft X 18â€
Activated carbon pellets 1kg
Neetroplus nematopus F3 X3 Male and poss' 2 females
Thorichthys maculipinnis “Rio Manso†Tomate F2 X5
Nanochromis transvestitus F2 X4
Rineloricaria parva (Whip tail cats) F1 X2
Rineloricaria parva (Whip tail cats) F1 X2
P. scalare F2 Red backs. (Not Manacapuru) X5
P. scalareâ€Rio Curuni†F2 X 5
Gymnogeophagus sp. “Soberbio†Argentina F1 X5
Vieja argentea x 3
Box of pond balance
Pseudotropheus saulosi breeding pair
Breeding trio of labidochromis trevasee
Trio of ancistrus gold juveniles
Pair of metriclima zebra
Trio of metriclima zebra ‘Juveniles’
Nanochromis Transvestitus pair
Apistogramma Pandurini pair
Enigmatochromis lucanusi (Formally Pelvicachromis sp blue fin) 4 per bag
Chromidotilapia guntheri, young group x5
Dry goods
Koi Angel fish x 5 juveniles
Gold Angelfish x 5 juveniles
Apistogramma Baenschi adult wild male
Koi Angelfish adult breeding pair
Corydoras melini Tank bred x 3
Todays aquarist 2004 complete x 12 issues
CAGB literature, Magazines and newsletter, 5 Folders


5 Year Member
Hi all, this convention/auction is TOMORROW!!!! preparations are complete and all we need now are bums on seats..

There is plenty to do and see, also hot and cold food and drinks so we are well catered for! come and listen to the worlds best speakers and bag a bargain in the auction, you may even be the lucky person to win the main raffle prize of a brand new £600 juwel tank and cabinet.(delivery can be arranged!)

Its shaping up to be a fantastic day out! please come over and see what its all about, you dont have to be a member of the BCA to attend, we are open to all and very friendly.


5 Year Member
Everythings ready for tomorrow, Dr Anton Lamboj is flying in today and is being picked up from the airport this afternoon by two committee members who are then heading to Redditch to stay the night in a local hotel.. I wish i was staying overnight!! theres a few of them in the hotel and it would be a facinating evening in good company.

David Hulse has also been in contact and confirmed he will be there as expected

The auctions finalised and catalogues printed.

The picture of the day competition is finished and Andrew has the entry photographs framed ready for presentation, Darrens spoken to the sponsor of this competition and the prize is a £150 external filter!! only 8 entrants came forward so stand a excellent chance of winning the filter!! The pictures can be found here and votes online will also be counted and excepted. viewtopic.php?f=50&p=13142#p13142

The main raffle is huge, the main prize of the tank and stand only just fits into Andrews estate car(Andrew can deliver if you cannot fit it into your own car for the return journey!!) Darren also has a mountain of freebies including heaters, filters, foods and books, all this will be given away for the price of a raffle ticket!

The door gifts are ready and goodie bags are available to every paying person, the door gifts are worth well in excess of £20 so everyone will go home with a armful of gifts from the BCA and our kind sponsors.

Please, please, please try to make it to our event, a lot of work has gone into organising this, there is enough to keep everyone entertained all day long, the auctions the best cichlid acution in the country and the BCA have never had a raffle as large as as this one, there is in total over £1500 worth of prizes to give away!!!

Ive done all i can do for advertising this event so ill sign off and hopefully see you all tonmorrow!! it will be well worth your time.

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Working on the spam issues. Just set up a new add-on that should help tremendously. Thanks for your continued patience!!! And thanks for donating!
roekste wrote on Josh's profile.
Good morning, Please can you delete the new members that is spamming the forum. Its all crazy.
Thank you.
I'm looking for quality apistogrammas, can anyone recommend a good seller specialized in apistogrammas who ships in Europe? Thanks
Ada_1022 wrote on hongyj's profile.
Hi I didn’t know if you still have any of the Apistogramma Cuipeua?
Would be interested if so.
Bill D. wrote on Apistoguy52's profile.
Looking for Dicrossus Maculatus. Do you have any?