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Apistogramma recommendations


New Member
Hey there, I’ve been looking around at a couple different fish stores in my area for apistogrammas near me and I currently own 3 fire red ( 2F 1M) and a pair of cockatoo apistogrammas. I’m looking into getting a pair of rare apistogrammas to keep in a 20 long and hopefully eventually breed to put into my community apistogramma tank. I’d love to hear some suggestions on some rarer apistogrammas I should keep an eye out for, no preferences on color or anything just wanna hear what’s out there that’s rare. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Rare as in
- rare in the trade in general?
- rare in the trade in your country/region?
- rare in the wild?
- rarely bred?
- rarely kept?

You are aware, that most will need certain conditions to be met and they are not general "community tank material", but would be best kept in a habitat community with fish that need the same requirements? And that keeping several species of the genus in the same tank is a possible recipe for disaster?

Anyhow, I don't have any recommendations, your question is a bit too general to answer without bias.


Active Member
Hey there, I’ve been looking around at a couple different fish stores in my area for apistogrammas near me and I currently own 3 fire red ( 2F 1M) and a pair of cockatoo apistogrammas. I’m looking into getting a pair of rare apistogrammas to keep in a 20 long and hopefully eventually breed to put into my community apistogramma tank. I’d love to hear some suggestions on some rarer apistogrammas I should keep an eye out for, no preferences on color or anything just wanna hear what’s out there that’s rare. Thanks!
A sp D6/mitu, A sp D37/keimenfleck, A sp D39. All fantastic Apistogramma that wonderful looking, fairly rare in the hobby, and quite a bit more wide ranging in terms of water chemistry than one might be led to believe.


Active Member
5 Year Member
Clarkston, WA
Often the best dwarf Cichlids are those you can just find. It is often hard to find any specific Apistogramma at a LFS. Cast your net wider and look at online vendors and hobbyist breeders. thewetspottropicalfish.com is a good source as is sometime aquabid.com. I mean no slight to other businesses I didn't mention because expansive lists are not necessary. Just keep in mind that shipping fish or even mailing them in good weather carries little risk and is fun in it's own right. I just bought 6 juvenile Red Lizard Whiptail Catfish from a hobbyist breeder. We are on opposite sides of the country and 2 weeks later they are fine. I have shipped 1000's of fish all over the continental USA with very few losses. It really helps these hobbyists/breeders keep their fish fed.


Well-Known Member
Most 'rare' apistogramma are wild caught and blackwater fishes. I mention this because i'm unsure of your skill level or the type of water you have available.

Also one red flag is most species of apisto are not community fishes.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Most 'rare' apistogramma are wild caught and blackwater fishes. I mention this because i'm unsure of your skill level or the type of water you have available.

Also one red flag is most species of apisto are not community fishes.
At least not as breeding pairs - and for most species 1 male + 1 female is a breeding pair.

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