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New Member
I have just set up a 20 gallon (60cm, 40cm, 40cm) and am looking at getting a pair of apistogramma as a centre piece but am unsure of what type would be best and if you would recommend getting something else as a centre piece. I was thinking of getting a pair of cacatuoides but if there is a more peaceful type you guys might recommend I'm all ears

Current stocking of tank is

5 Panda Corys
8 Harlequin Rasbora
3 Otto Cats

Any advice would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
You don't want the panda cory as they will occupy the space the apisto occupy and not understand the aggressive nature of the apisto when they guard frys. I.e, the cacockatoo will constantly attack the panda and the panda will just return causing stress to everyone. The best way to make it more peaceful is to only get a male; and i'd recommend borelli as i've seen even single male cockatoo be aggressive; borelli are a more passive species and (imho) nicer looking though i haven't observed any real interesting behavior in either cockatoo or borelli.


Well-Known Member
With those tank dimensions a single male of a smaller species is all that will work in a community, although generally it is not advisable to keep any dwarf cichlid with Corydoras in a tank under 100-120cm length. If you have an especially aggressive Apistogramma the Corydoras might get stressed out a lot. And the Apisto will be stressed anyway. Also there will be food competition with the Corydoras as Apistogramma are also bottom dwellers.
With the current stocking I'd rather recommend a single Honey Gourami (Trichogaster chuna) instead of an Apisto, provided the tank is very densely planted up to the surface.

Care to post a picture of the tank?


New Member
With those tank dimensions a single male of a smaller species is all that will work in a community, although generally it is not advisable to keep any dwarf cichlid with Corydoras in a tank under 100-120cm length. If you have an especially aggressive Apistogramma the Corydoras might get stressed out a lot. And the Apisto will be stressed anyway. Also there will be food competition with the Corydoras as Apistogramma are also bottom dwellers.
With the current stocking I'd rather recommend a single Honey Gourami (Trichogaster chuna) instead of an Apisto, provided the tank is very densely planted up to the surface.

Care to post a picture of the tank?
Ok thanks for the information I have thought about a honey gourami and so will probably go for that thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
Allright, wise decision. Please make sure the tank is overgrown and has lots of foliage and some twigs at the surface. Lots of floaters are also advisable.

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Ada_1022 wrote on hongyj's profile.
Hi I didn’t know if you still have any of the Apistogramma Cuipeua?
Would be interested if so.
Bill D. wrote on Apistoguy52's profile.
Looking for Dicrossus Maculatus. Do you have any?
Hi guys I'm new in this page, I'm having trouble with one of my apistogramma agassizii pairs the seem not to be coupling up , I'm using the exact same tank that I've use in the past to couple a pair successfully
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Please send me info regarding cuipeua. Thx, Joe.
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Where are you located?