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any apisto's available in the Philly metro area?

Kevin F Smith

Hi Dave, I have 55, 40, 30, 20, 15. 55 has three varieties of agassizi including a wild form, borelii, macmasteri, veijita , several rams, and several varieties of philippine blue anglefish. 40 has a pair of brilliant turquoise discus (have never mated for me, but get along great!) and a couple of cichlids: one macmasteri and electric blue acara. 30 has cardinal tetras, pair of blue angels, electric blue rams. 20 has killies. 15 is where I keep apisto females, or quarantine, or hospital; always something happening in that tank.
Recently lost an orange flash cacatuoides who my wife and I named Edward G. Robinson because of his face! When we had the power failure here last months snow storm, tanks went down to 60 degrees (our generator failed also). Eddie G developed an infection several days later, then died. We managed to keep the discus tank from going below 70, because it's in a different room, with a fireplace. That was the only way we could heat the tank. Any longer, I would have lost all my fish, but my neighbor ran a cable from his generator before it was too late. There were fish actually laying on their side in the bottom of the tanks, disoriented. But they recovered. We lost some other fish though: black angels, tetras, and some rams. Killies did fine.
What do you have? Were you affected by the outage?

Diesel Fitter

Hi Dave, I have 55, 40, 30, 20, 15. 55 has three varieties of agassizi including a wild form, borelii, macmasteri, veijita , several rams, and several varieties of philippine blue anglefish. 40 has a pair of brilliant turquoise discus (have never mated for me, but get along great!) and a couple of cichlids: one macmasteri and electric blue acara. 30 has cardinal tetras, pair of blue angels, electric blue rams. 20 has killies. 15 is where I keep apisto females, or quarantine, or hospital; always something happening in that tank.
Recently lost an orange flash cacatuoides who my wife and I named Edward G. Robinson because of his face! When we had the power failure here last months snow storm, tanks went down to 60 degrees (our generator failed also). Eddie G developed an infection several days later, then died. We managed to keep the discus tank from going below 70, because it's in a different room, with a fireplace. That was the only way we could heat the tank. Any longer, I would have lost all my fish, but my neighbor ran a cable from his generator before it was too late. There were fish actually laying on their side in the bottom of the tanks, disoriented. But they recovered. We lost some other fish though: black angels, tetras, and some rams. Killies did fine.
What do you have? Were you affected by the outage?

Diesel Fitter

Wow, you have an understanding wife, I only have 2 tanks a 55 and a 29. In the 55 I have the 4 new macmasteri, 8 cardinal tetras 4 rummynose, a ram, and 1 royal pleco, who is destroying my driftwood, and about 18-20 amano shrimp. In the 29 I just have the 3 Viejita and 6 shrimp. We lost our power for about 2 days, but I had a generator and all I had to do was make up a wiring harness and back feed my house through the dryer outlet (which is 220v). Then all I had to do was select which circuits to make active, like the beer cooler, heater, freezer, and aquarium. We were one of just a couple houses to even have a generator. On the first night I was outside with my dog and saw a car pass by my house 3 times in quick succession, so the next step was to chain up the old generator.
I put a couple of small terracotta pots in both tanks yesterday and within minutes the females were checking out their future love shacks. Man do I geta kick out of these little fish, Dave

Kevin F Smith

Hi Dave, I like your priorities, the beer cooler! We got some bottles of wine over here and sat around the fireplace. Was a long night. Good luck with the apistos!

Diesel Fitter

Hey Kevin , I was there on Saturday morning, and someone must have grabbed them all because I didn't see any new Apisto since my last visit, unless they were in a different spot than usual. Thanks for your notification, anything doing in your tanks? My A. Viejita spawned about 2 weeks ago but I don't know what happened, because the female was out of the nest 2 days later and never went back. I'm not sure what the heck happened, see my post on the Breeding Husbandry section, under "Crap the leaves moved" One of these days we will probably run into each other, dave

Kevin F Smith

Hi Dave,
They are in a tank two tanks to the left of their veijitas. Very small fish. I noticed some of their apistos are mislabeled. These borellii are labeled cacatuoides, and they have a macmasteri labeled inirida. Gool luck with spawning your fish. Guess it sometimes takes a few tries before they pull it off. Nothing in my tanks right now. Been hoping my two discus will spawn, but I think I might have two males or two females. I have a male electric blue ram and female gold ram I wish would breed, but nothing doing yet. Harvey from HR has asked their Florida supplier to send some apistos next week. Have a great weekend!

Diesel Fitter

Hi Kevin, managed to get to THR this afternoon, and I met Harvey, he says he is planning on ordering from "WET SPOT" this week, he invited me to call him Monday once he decides what inventory is available. He is planning on buying 7-8 varieties of Apisto's on this order. I also learned that THR is going to buy Apistogramma about once a month.
My A. Veijita spawned again yesterday, maybe this time will be the charm. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, nice going on that Borrelli ID, I didn't think that they looked like A. Cacatoides. The one girl with the long blonde hair, said that all those fish in that tank were all males. Till next time............. Dave

Kevin F Smith

Hi Dave,
This guy Harvey is pretty cool. He's very excited about rejuvinating the HR fresh water section. This could be a great order. I' go there Friday afternoon at around 4PM after they get their end of week shipments. You and I might consider combining on an order one of these days at HR, by offering them a lower price since we'd be buying a greater volume of fish. Might save us both some money. I'm looking for Dicrossus maculatus, and the wild "blue" cacatouides that's been making a lot of noise in the apisto world lately. Good luck with the veijitas!

Diesel Fitter

Kevin that sounds like a great idea, once I see where I can put any new additions after the ones that I wish to add after this week, hopefully. Unfortunately I don't have the tank space and quantity that you do. I was on Ebay last night and I saw that "Wet Spot" has A. Trifasciata, I am hoping that Harvey will bring them in, if/ they are available. Take a look, are they like your Blue Cacatoides? Have a good week, Dave

Diesel Fitter

Hey Kevin, I went to THR after work yesterday, Friday, and talked again to Harvey, the big order of Apisto's is due in on Wednesday. It seems that this order is now down to 4 species, with a possibility for 2 more. I guess we will wait and see, enjoy the rest of the weekend. Dave

Diesel Fitter

Hey Kevin, been a little crazy around here, trying to get my boat electronics all straightened out. I went to THR myself on Friday afternoon, and received the same info that you got. Next time I have to call before I hop in the truck for a fish hunt. If you get over there this week please let me know if it is worth the trip. Thanks, Dave

Diesel Fitter

thanks Kevin, I haven't been able to get loose up here in Hatboro, what with things that my kids are involved in and me trying to get the outside of the house looking presentable, and finishing up the install of the electronics package on my bass boat. It never seems to slow down, I think I need a vacation! I hope things are well on your end, Dave

Kevin F Smith

Hi Dave,
At least we can finally get outside. Nothing at HR except a few small Macmasters that they've had for several months. Nothing at Clementine. TFP says they have Panduro. I just broke my rule and ordered on-line nannochromis parilius (very hard to find), so I had them add A. baenschi, and a pair of panduro to the box. Should be here around 12 noon. Good luck with the bass fishing!

Diesel Fitter

I hope everything works out for you with your mail order deal, I only did that once in the mid nineties, when I was starting to get interested in Apisto's. Did Harvey say anything about why the order never happened? I'm just curious because he seemed eager to put some new species in the tanks at THR. Again best of luck with your new arrivals, Dave

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jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Please send me info regarding cuipeua. Thx, Joe.
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Where are you located?
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Longtime fish enthusiast for over 70years......keen on Apistos now. How do I post videos?
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