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A. Macmasteri


New Member
5 Year Member
Fort Bragg, NC
I have recently required a young trio of these. They are very interesting fish and I would like to attempt spawning them. Currently I have them in a community planted tank with some juvinile angels, a group of pseudomagil gertrudae (gertrude's blue eye rainbows), and a couple guppy pairs. Soon I will be moving these all to a much larger planted tank. I am wondering if I should keep them with this community or move them to their own tank with something as a dither and what to use for dithers with them. I have several things I can use for this.

For water paremeters my pH is 6.4 out of the tap and ranges from that down to 6.0 in some of my tanks, KH 35.8ppm & GH 57.7ppm. So it sits within range of the water quality I need for these fish.

Is there anything else I can do for them to encourage spawning besides good food and water quality?


Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
If you really want to get fry, I suggest that you put the trio in at least a 30 gallon long aquarium (36x12"/90X30cm). Otherwise breed as a pair. Macs can be pretty nasty. Dithers can be any surface dwelling fish that doesn't need a school, like pencilfish. Otherwise your wate seem ideal. Also feed a lot of live & frozen foods. Good luck!


New Member
5 Year Member
Fort Bragg, NC
Well I dont have a 30 long, but I have a few 20 longs. They measure 30 x 12 inches. The next thing up I have would be my 45 and 50 gallons @ 4ft x 12in., which are slated for african cichlids. The tank they are in now is a 35 which has the same bottom dimensions as a 20 long, but is taller. I suppose I'll toss a pair together and see what happens. I really need more tanks. LOL heh... I always need more tanks. I have empty tanks, but their all between 10 and 20 gallons, the 20's being longs(my favorite tank size for dwarfs). I cant wait till after feb when our lease is up and we move to a place where I can expand some more. LOL MORE TANKS MORE TANKS!!! Means room for more fish and growing fry!

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Please send me info regarding cuipeua. Thx, Joe.
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Where are you located?
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