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125 Gallon Long, first apistogramma tank


New Member
Setting up what was going to be a grow out for a new Arowana, but have decided against it. My Arowana seems to kill anything that looks like him.

Doing a 125 gallon long 72"x18"x22", in the process of doing plumbing and cycling, planting, all that good stuff, so probably a month or 2 out on adding the final fish to this tank. Wanted to do Apistogramma cacatuoides colony. Believe they are harem breeders? So thinking 6 or so female and 2 males to start with? What if any dither should I add in a tank this big?

Also would shrimp/snails be able to survive, be beneficial? What about food? Do I need to feed live?

anyone ever try keeping them with arowana? I have found other small fish are ignored by my arowana, well really all other fish, except arowana, he kills and eats any other arowana i have tried to add.

too small to warrant attention. (reason i ask is after reading and looking at these guys, would be an awesome setup to have my 360 gallon tank heavily planted with the arowana at the top and apistogramma and loaches at the bottom.

so sorry for my first post being like 1000 different questions

but debating moving my larger cichlid pair, and the bichir, and other small fish that would prey on the apistogramma to the 125g and planting my 360 gallon and putting apistogramma colony in with him...or just setting up the new tank(125g) as a dedicated apistogramma tank....thoughts?

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
If properly decorated your tank should be fine for a breeding colony of A. cacatuoides, although 3 males would be better than two (spreads the aggression). As for dithers, think about small peaceful upper-level species. Do a search on the forum; it's been discussed many times. A natural part of the diet of A. cacatuoides in the wild is shrimp. Small specimens and those undergoing a molt are prime targets. If you are willing to accept losses it can work. Snail are also found naturally with A. cacatuoides. Some apistos (especially A. macmasteri) will crack snail shells and eat the meat. I don't recall A. cacatuoides being one of these apistos, but wouldn't be surprised. They certainly have the mouth for it. As for an arowana with small fish: old aquarist saying - any fish that will fit in another fishes' mouth WILL! Arowana in the wild are surface dwellers whose diet consists of surface-dwelling fish, reptiles & amphibians - and even birds taken out of the air. Still I wouldn't trust them with bottom-dwelling fish. Arowana aren't naturally aggressive fish by nature so I don't recommend keeping them with larger, more aggressive fish either. I personally think your best bet is to have 3 tanks: 1 for larger cichlid community, 1 for arowana, and 1 for apistos.


New Member
Shrimp loses are fine. more a question of water parameter compatibility they would be feeder bred in same water. like the low ph and softwater with inverts hadn't worked for me in the past.

3 males it is.

You make good points.


New Member
Thought process was breeding up inverts in tank before adding fish to establish some natural prey/food since the snails and shrimp breed quickly.

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roekste wrote on Josh's profile.
Good morning, Please can you delete the new members that is spamming the forum. Its all crazy.
Thank you.
I'm looking for quality apistogrammas, can anyone recommend a good seller specialized in apistogrammas who ships in Europe? Thanks
Ada_1022 wrote on hongyj's profile.
Hi I didn’t know if you still have any of the Apistogramma Cuipeua?
Would be interested if so.
Bill D. wrote on Apistoguy52's profile.
Looking for Dicrossus Maculatus. Do you have any?