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apistogramma agassizii

  1. Sam's Terrariums

    Will these species work in a tank? Dicrossus Filamentosus, Agassizii, Black Neons, Pleco L306, +some cory sp.

    Hi! I am looking to set up a tank with the dimensions 48l" x 12d" x 20h" (supposedly 55g) in an amazon-type setup. This build will not happen for a little while, as I am currently reorganizing my tanks around a new shelf I got. I currently have a tentative hardscape in the tank, and nothing...
  2. A

    Apistogramma agassizii fire red Can someone please tell me is this male/female

    Hello, can someone tell me if this is a male or female. I have another that looks basically like this one but it's a little bigger. I got them from the same petstore at different times. The first one they told me they didn't know what it was. I came back a few weeks later and they didn't know...
  3. D

    Tank Stocking 65g

    I currently have a 252L (105 x 40 x 60cm) tank set up with rock and wood as a hardscape and slowly becoming more planted. Current stocking: Pair of Apistogramma Agassizii Fire Gold 11 Cardinal Tertas 6 Harlequin Rasboras 6 Guppys 6 Corydoras 1 Bristlenose 5 Amano Shrimp I was wanting to know...
  4. P

    Need help sexing Apistogramma Agassizii

    Hello All! I know you must be tired of being asked the same requests everytime for identifying the sex of apsitogrammas but I really need your help as it's my first time keeping one. Can you kindly help me identify the sex of this Apistogramma Agassizii. Its been 4 months of me getting it from...
  5. R

    Crossing fire red

    Hi, first post here, and I’m wondering if anyone has the experience that could help answer my question. I have a male double red Agassizii who’s paired up with two female fire red. They haven’t spawned successfully yet. I was wondering if they do, are there any potential issues with this...
  6. Z

    Sexing and species of fish (revisited)

    I've previously asked, however, was asked to wait until they had settled again. They've settled after the rescape, so I've done my best to take some pictures (Chopstick seems to have turned camera shy as of late). The first three is the above mentioned fish. The next two are my two newest, sold...
  7. Z

    Ram and apisto?

    Does anyone know the ability of apistos and rams in the same tank, 30gallon long. Heavily decorated, hardly space to see from one side to the other. Planing to make it more dense, and plenty of caves (from ground to top of water). The tree in the centre is flush side to side, and top to...
  8. Z

    Rescaping 30gallon long

    I am doing one last order before doing a large rescape on my apisto tank of dimensions 100cmX30cmX40cm. What are things that you would say are a must-have for Apistogramma? Or something that you prefer to have for yours? (I am also working the tank towards blackwater (where it is the darker...
  9. Z

    Apistogramma Agassizii female or male

    I am wondering whether this fish is male or female. They are around an inch in length, and I believe I've seen them colour yellow at points; however, I don't have an image of this. They have a faint black line through her tail fin; however, they also have black on their ventral fin. On their...
  10. Z

    Apistogramma cacatuoides or Apistogramma agassizii? 120L long

    I have a 120 Litre aquarium (20-30 gallon I believe), 100cmx30cmx40cm, and wondering what apistogramma to get. The aquarium is filled with rocks and has plants to help break up the line of sight. I'm wondering what species would be the best for this tank, and whether pair or group would be best...
  11. Andy452

    Another batch of fry..

    I always get excited when I see new fry! These are Apistogramma Agassizii This spawn is from a new mum and I used a different cave to the style I used previously with another pair. This cave being white where as I normally use brown natural colour caves - seems they don't care about the colour...
  12. R

    Any ideas on this blue apisto?

    I follow a guy on Instagram and he posted a couple of pictures of an apistogramma agasizzii he has. Do any of you guys know what kind of agasizzii this may be? I’ve tried to search but nothing comes close. either way it’s a beautiful apisto and not one I’ve seen before.
  13. M

    Identification of A. Agassizii

    Hello, first time poster. I bought 4 A. Agassizii (Red) at the LFS and have only had them in my tank for a little over a day. Comparing it to other pictures of Apistos posted on here I am unsure now whether it is an Agassizii that just needs to get adjusted to my aquarium or is a whole other...
  14. Andy452

    Apistogramma Agassizii grow out

    Hi All, I have been growing out some Apistogramma Agassizii they are about 4 months old now. I had maybe 30 in a bear bottom 20gal grow out tank with some moss covered drift wood. About a month ago (when they were ~3 months old) I moved 13 of the larger ones to a new 20gal tank. The new tank...