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Cichlid Atlas Vol 2


New Member
5 Year Member
Stoneville, Western Australia
Can any of the English members tell me if Cichlid Atlas Vol 2 is available in England, and if so where can it be purchased from ?

It is not available here in Australia (so I have been told) but I have a relation in England who is coming to Australia to visit me in a couple of months time, so I am hoping she will be able to get hold of a copy and bring it with her.


New Member
5 Year Member
Melbourne, Australia
Can any of the English members tell me if Cichlid Atlas Vol 2 is available in England, and if so where can it be purchased from ?

It is not available here in Australia (so I have been told) but I have a relation in England who is coming to Australia to visit me in a couple of months time, so I am hoping she will be able to get hold of a copy and bring it with her.

its easy to purchase on-line as I did.


New Member
5 Year Member
Stoneville, Western Australia
Thanks for the information, Mike and Hassles.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could recommend any reference books on Apisto's that I should try to obtain.

Where did you buy yours from mate?
I have never done an online transaction and don't know if I ever will.
The thought of my credit card number or any other of my financial details being out there in cyberland fills me with dread !

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Sinbad, it really depends on what you want out of the reference. Cichlid Atlas 2, for example, is just an addendum (a very large addendum) to CA1. Most of the species kept in the hobby will be missing in CA2. If you don't have CA1, then CA2 won't be that useful to you. CA2 has several mis-identified species or known species that have been given new names that virtually no one uses. If you can find a copy of CA1, it will be much more useful.

If you want an less expensive overview of keeping and breeding apistos, then I suggest one of the older books by Mayland and Bork (South American Dwarf Cichlids) or Linke and Staeck (Dwarf Cichlids).

If you want something more in-depth: distribution, biotopes, etc., then the 2 books written by Koslowski (and, to a lesser extent CA1) are your best bet. I am continually amazed at how accurate Koslowski's books continue to be, even with more recent data and new species. Unfortunately, both of Koslowski's books were/are published only in German. I did translate these books into English and several hundred hobbyists worldwide, who own the book, have bought it from me.

If you want a more picture oriented book, with photos and accurate IDs of most of the dwarf cichlids, then the DATZ Special Publication, South American Dwarf Cichlids, is the best out there. It is printed in a side-by-side German/English volume. This is a book that isn't easy to get, but it is usually available from Steve Simpsons Books and Aquabid.

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