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Wish List


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5 Year Member
Central Ohio
My list is finally getting shorter. But with every new shipment and/or book that comes out, the list grows again. Currently, all that is on list are: Nanacara adoketa, telocichla cindarella (again), Apitso. elizabethae, Dicrossus maculatus, Nanochromis dimidiatus, Nanochromis parilus, Nanochromis sp. "Zaire".
Anyone know of any stateside sources for these, preferably at reasonable prices (Wife shot down my second mortgage on the house idea)? What do you guys/gals have on your "Must Get" list?

Happy Hunting - Ken


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.
I wish for the list that Henrique posted in the South American Dwarfs forum. But as Zman pointed out, I think that is likely to not happen. Japan and Germany seems to get dibs on a lot of good stuff.
I will add all the Nanochromis that you mentioned to my list. I love Nanochromis!!! (The REAL) Dimidiatus is very, very unlikely though, as I don't think that it has been in the hobby for many moons. I have seen Zaire and Kisangani though, but rarely and with a stiff price tag.
The Apistos I want are mendezi, pulchra and ... I will say that I have nailed down quite a few of the fish that I always wanted in the past few years, but there are always more. I guess that is part of the fun. If we always got what we wanted, we would be bored. Neil


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5 Year Member
South American wish list:
N. adoketa
Ap elizabethae
Cren. nothophtalmus, urosema, wallaci


Active Member
5 Year Member
toronto, canada
it is funny that you guys have wish lists of fish that you want. i have just gotten into apistos recently, but i've enjoyed my rams for a couple of years. i more or less see what is available in the local stores that look good, see what conditions they like, and if they fit with what i have, i buy them. my interests are more into discus than dwarfs, but have chosen to explore dwarfs because they are great tankmates for discus.

if you guys want more fish, why not place orders for apistos directly from the guys who bring them in, ie, get a box of fish, take the ones out that you like, and sell the rest to the local stores. i have heard that a lot of times you get 'odd fish' in these boxes that aren't on the lists, or possibly even 'discovered' yet. you would do better to situate yourself on the supply side rather than the demand side of the equation. that way you get the best and sell the rest and you would get them before they make the distributor, lfs route.

this would mean that you would have to take the responsibility for quarentining the new arrivals and cleaning them up for sale. but i think that it would be the next step for you people who are further into the dwarf hobby that i am.

i'll make a few enquiries along this route, and see who knows what. z-man should know all about this way of doing things.


Z Man

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5 Year Member
Western New York
I know quite a few guys that collect and it's not as simple as what you say any more. Whoever goes collecting must get a permit for the particular fish they are seeking and can only remove a small number of them which the country of origin permits. Boxes can be purchased from exporters who have permits for such deals but I deal with a store that orders a full box of Apistogramma agassizi and they are lucky if there are any Aggies in it at all. What they get is a mixed box of whatever the natives collected at a certain location and label them whatever they "think" they are. With Apisto's, the females are so similar that it's very difficult to see which female goes with what male.
Last year my friend Julio Melgar moved back to his native Peru but I don't believe he has started shipping any fish yet.
As I stated elsewhere, all these pretty new fish are very, very difficult to come by. Thus, very expensive. It's called "Supply & Demand"

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Working on the spam issues. Just set up a new add-on that should help tremendously. Thanks for your continued patience!!! And thanks for donating!
roekste wrote on Josh's profile.
Good morning, Please can you delete the new members that is spamming the forum. Its all crazy.
Thank you.
I'm looking for quality apistogrammas, can anyone recommend a good seller specialized in apistogrammas who ships in Europe? Thanks
Ada_1022 wrote on hongyj's profile.
Hi I didn’t know if you still have any of the Apistogramma Cuipeua?
Would be interested if so.
Bill D. wrote on Apistoguy52's profile.
Looking for Dicrossus Maculatus. Do you have any?