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what do i feed baby A. agassizii?


New Member
5 Year Member
Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
what do i feed my baby agassizii. the babies are free swimmers today. first time breeding, yeah! do i wait like a week before feeding baby brine shrimp or do i start feeding them baby brine shrimp now? please help me with your time line of what to feed and when to feed the babies. thankyou.



Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Wiltshire UK
Hi all,
I like microworms, very easy to culture and take up very little space.

I also like a tank with lots of biofilm (algae if you like but really a complex mix of diatoms, rotifers, cyanobacteria, green algae etc.), a fairly dirty sponge filter and "ElectricEels", suggestion of a "big gnarly clump of java moss", probably the most important item.

The fry will find plenty of rotifers, etc to pick at in the moss, the biofilm and from the filter sponge. The microworms will swim around for several days, providing a long lasting source of food. Another nematode "vinegar eels" will serve the same job as the microworms, but they need a little more care in culture (but not very much).

After about 2 weeks the fry will take Grindal worms, and it should be all plain sailing from then on.

cheers Darrel


5 Year Member
Bulls. New Zealand
You raise an interesting point for discussion.

I used to be a big fan of microworms as well but I have found recently that fry losses are a lot higher with them. I have been told that it is because the worms cause blockages. I have a really bad time with BBS not hatching in good numbers so I use a combination. As many BBS as I can hatch and some microworms to top it up.
The BSS are supposed to help stop blockages so for me a combination works well.

Also agree with grindals at 2 - 3 week stage for an amazing growth spurt.

To answer your original question Agassizi fry are plenty big enough to take BBS as soon as they are free swimming. As often as you can and as many water changes as you can in a day.

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