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Hello all my apisto panduros finally had some fry they are now free swimming only a few days old was wondering if I should hold off on water changes also what would be good food for them thanks walt
Small live food, such as freshly hatched brine shrimp, microworms, or similar works best. They don't always take dried foods from the start.
I always do regular water changes, with or without fry present. As long as the water is agreed, reasonably temperature matched and you don't turn your tank into a whirlpool during the water change you should have no problems
- If you usually change water weekly or so.. I would continue with that ..but maybe in smaller amounts than normal!!
- If you have not changed any water for a month or two..I would take it very easy with changing anything rapidly!!
My experience is behavioural changes simultaneously with waterchanges!!
Somekind of chemical difference between before/after changing may be the reason!!?? (O2, kH, "salty ions" , hormonal or else....????)