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Hello new to site and apistos would it be OK to post some pictures of some apisto panduro.I've had them for a few months can not tell what sex they are had a definite male but it died now fish seem to be showing no markings.thanks walt
Hello new to site and apistos would it be OK to post some pictures of some apisto panduro.I've had them for a few months can not tell what sex they are had a definite male but it died now fish seem to be showing no markings.thanks walt
I'd say they are males. Females usually don't show the red rim around the tail fin.
They look a bit pale, maybe not enough cover in the tank and bright lights? If you provide an environment where they feel safer they will show better color
Looks like both males to me as well. I uploaded two pics of my male.
Panduro females are easy to recognize. Their body is way shorter, more compact. The female is usually pretty yellow. The females have black pelvic fins with some yellow, whereas the males dont have black on their pelvic fins. U would distinguish the female from your males on first sight, even if u never saw a female before.
(sorry I didn't get a good pic of her right now)
My panduro females do have the red rim around the caudal fin as well. So that's not really a good criteria for sexing.