I'm in the midst of resetting my 600 gallon tank, moving back to South American cichlids after 2 years of dabbling with Tanganyikans. I have an auto water change system set up that changes about 5% - 8% of water daily using RO water. Several years ago when utilizing this system (without remineralizing or using botanicals), my tank settled at pH 3.7 without any noticeable pH swings (I use a Neptune Apex system to monitor pH, temperature and conductivity 24/7). Conductivity was high at about 200 µS/cm but I tended to overstock so I think most of that was nitrates. In that tank I was able to keep the most sensitive of wildcaught blackwater species (Uaru fernandezyepezi, Pterophyllum altum, Crenicichla multispinosa, etc) but some species with more moderate requirements didn't do so well - I suspect due to lack of gH and other minerals. I'm hoping to keep a mix of blackwater and clearwater species this time around, and I fully intend to utilize botanicals for at least a slight tint in the water. I will also have hardy plants like java fern and anubias as part of the scape, and may utilize co2 during lighted hours. I'm hoping this time to maintain pH stable between 5-6. I have a dosing pump set up and will be dosing a diy concentrated tannin solution daily to replenish what's being removed by the auto water changes (though I have no idea how much to dose daily to be honest!). The dosing pump will be able to dose gH and kH liquids as required (it's how I kept my gH and kH high for my Tanganyikan fish). Should I be remineralizing my water with such liquids and if so, what gH and kH values should I be aiming for to keep my pH stable between 5-6 and my fish healthy?