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Online Aquarium Stores?



Anyone have recommendations for fast online aquarium supply stores?
I have been using BigAl's but the shipment takes forever (1-2wks).


New Member
5 Year Member
Livermore, CA USA
I have used these and I have been happy.

Big Al's ususally has the best prices but their packing, shipping, and product availabilty notification is certainly not the best.

Edit: Oh let me add a personal comment. The prices online are so much cheaper than locally that to me it is worth the wait no matter how long shipping takes. It is hard to be patient sometimes and wait but it beats paying 2 to 3 times as much in the local fish store.


Big Al's is more extensive than Pet Solutions. DrsF&S shipping is not much faster and prices are higher so I'll stay with Big Al's. Interestingly, other online pet stores where I buy dog grooming & food supplies have free shipment over $100 but haven't found that on aquarium sites.


Staff member
5 Year Member
Stoughton, WI
"Edit: Oh let me add a personal comment. The prices online are so much cheaper than locally that to me it is worth the wait no matter how long shipping takes. It is hard to be patient sometimes and wait but it beats paying 2 to 3 times as much in the local fish store."

I hope that LFS is still there when you need a heater or air pump in a hurry... Granted, 2 - 3 times the cost of a product from Big Al's is high, but my experiences with pricing have not been that drastic, especially when shipping is taken into account. My last on-line order (I live 75 miles from any retailer... good or bad) was for a 200 watt Visitherm heater from That Fish Place. The price with shipping came to about $20... I bought another in Denver last week at a LFS for $22.

Support the LFS everyone... you will miss them when they are gone.


New Member
5 Year Member
Livermore, CA USA
Maybe it is just California, the prices here for drygoods are terrible. I'd like to support LFS but not at the cost they charge. I needed a powerhead the other day and couldn't wait. I paid $25.00 in the LFS. Big Al's sells the same model for $11.99. I simply don't get it. If the cost were a couple dollars more than I would opt to shop locally but this is rediculous.


New Member
5 Year Member
Livermore, CA USA
Just to illustrate my point about the LFS. I was at one today at lunch.

Rena Filstar XP3 filter
LFS Price - $169.99
Big Al's Online - $99.99

Even if that is the only thing I order from Big Al's, it is still cheaper than the LFS. Why throw money away?


New Member
5 Year Member
Rhode Island
i fully agree about throwing money away but what happens when the impeller brakes? do you order from big als(or any other internet source) and hope the fish survive without filtration while the replacement is shipped? i order alot of stuff online but i also make a trip to my lfs about once a week. as ted said we will all be sorry when the lfs' are gone.


5 Year Member
North Haven, CT
The reason you pay more in a store than online is simple overhead costs. When you order from a large online place, you are getting the stuff right from the warehouse. This means much less overhead. Also, they have alot more buying power that the shops. You are likely to get a better price on a heater order if you can order a trailer of them rather than a few dozen. The stores aren't out to rip us off, they need to sell things at a profit to keep their business alive. I do however understand the throwing money away issue as well. Those of you who have a petsmart in your area may want to give them a try for drygoods. They match their online prices in the store. I got an aquaclear 500 last time I was there for $32.00 and the shelf price was $74.!!!



New Member
5 Year Member
Livermore, CA USA
Scott & Rich,

While you both make good points, I am simply not going to throw my money away at the LFS simply because they need to be supported. They are a business not a charitable organization. If they want my money they are going to have to be competitively priced. I'm not saying they need to be cheaper, just reasonable. Yes I do buy my tanks at the LFS and livestock too, but I am not going to buy anything else there unless it is an emergency.

Enough said. I don't want to start a flame war here. I think we all have valid points.



5 Year Member
North Haven, CT
Not trying to start a flame war either. You seemed a bit perplexed about the price difference, so I thought i'd offer an explaination. Spend your money wherever you want to. I can say, that if the shops go out because of large online services, you will find that the online prices will go up to what the stores used to charge anyway....



5 Year Member
Windsor, Ontario
I think the underlying theme Rich is getting at is this...

With no LFS, there exists no local hobbyists. Let's face facts, most of us started by visiting a LFS and either buying a startup kit or having a parent buy it for us. The LFS' can at times seem like "rip-off" artists but they're a for-profit business that needs to stay afloat. If you had no LFS' in your community I can guarantee that the hobby in your area would take a definite nose-dive and your local aquarium society would probably not exist due to a lack of membership.

I buy from both the LFS' and online shops. Why? Because where I live, Eastern Canada, there just aren't the options of buying particular products. Hagen has committed most of the LFS' to carry only their products. This forces those who prefer other products, such as Eheim filters, etc. to go online to purchase. Also, most of the LFS' in my city don't carry dwarf cichlids aside from ramirezi and altispinosa. What is a dwarf cichlid lover to do? I tend to hop on bulk orders from importers with my society and acquire my dwarf cichlids that way as I have no option. I've asked the LFS' to bring species in but they claim that they're not popular, thus forcing me to order online. Don't even let me start on buying aquaria books... just don't exist. So, once again, I'm forced to buy online and usually from the US - oh dear! :)

Moral of my post - no LFS no local hobby.



New Member
5 Year Member
Rhode Island
i totally agree with all of the points raised here. i too buy alot online. being a small business owner myself i understand the "plight" of the lfs in todays market with the big super stores and everything available online for sometimes 1/2 the price they just can't compete unless they can provide something special such as a friendly atmosphere where you can go for advice and even a demonstration on the proper use or set-up of a product or even special ordering livestock that you can't find at the superstores(most of who's fish i don't trust anyway).
we are a one income household here so i don't want to throw away money just to support the lfs just as i don't think anyone else should either. i do however try to buy things at the lfs (when the are competitively price) rather than order online. as rich said as well, i didn't mean to start a flame war either. i was just trying to show some of the pro's of the lfs over online purchasing. 99% of the time a person is going to opt to buy the filter online for 40 bucks instead of 100 at the lfs but there will be the emergency situation when you have to spend the $100 for the sake of you fishes well being. i think i've rambled on enough, i just know that i really depend on my lfs for certain things.



Staff member
5 Year Member
Stoughton, WI
I was not suggesting that anyone throw money away. I would not pay a exorbinant difference either... but I will pay a bit more. The retail pet business is really getting cutthroat. Most of the big on-line dealers are former small wholesalers who watched their customer base (stores) dry up under the intense competitive heat of the 'super stores' that do not buy from the small wholesaler.

Here is what is coming down the pike... small chains of franchised pet stores that are regionally, rather than nationally, minded. You will see 20 - 30 stores pop up over a 3-4 state area in population centers that are attractive to Petco and PetSmart. The stores will have independent owners, but be able to combine some expenses, such as advertising, and have greater buying power. They will also have a 'parent' distribution company that supplies most, but not all, of the product to the stores at a lower price that the huge national wholesalers like Central Pet. The larger wholesalers look upon these chains as large customers and cut them invoice discounts.

The good franchises will be set up in such a way that the owner can specialize in something if they want. Some would be very fish oriented (but the store would still be full line), but nother owners might sell puppies, while others might build a great bird business. Will these stores be as cheap as a PetSmart?... yes. Will they be cheaper than a Big Al's?... on some things yes, but not on all things. The price difference would not be as drastic though.

The sad part is that this will be yet ANOTHER shot through the heart of the small independent who does not want to be a part of a franchise system. These small franchises will have all the advantages of being an owner-operated store (knowledge, service, etc.) and the advantage of being able to compete with the big boys. Luckily, these independents do have the opportunity to buy in if they want... in fact, that is exactly why these small chains are going to explode... existing stores will be able to join the systems if they are willing.

This rant is getting long... but there is ANOTHER trend starting to happen. Small manufacturers and venders are realizing that they can be profitable by letting the smaller franchise chains and independent stores offer their products, but keeping them out of the super stores. Small stores are now holding their own across the street from a PetSmart with products like Eagle, Wysong, VFcomplete and Natural Balance pet foods. HBH fish foods has been doing it for years, so has Ginger Products. I predict that we are going see more small aquarium manufacturers like www.glasscages.com start marketing to the 'small side' and reap the benefits. We may also see small manufacturers open up in larger cities and supply only the area they can easily distribute in. The founder of the O'Dell aquarium company (he sold the company a LONG time ago) has been filling small-batch aquarium orders to stores in Michigan for 20+ years. Do PetSmart and Petco carry the Fluker the incredibaly fast-growing line of reptile products yet? I do not think so, but I never go in PetSmart, so I do not know.

So... don't count the LFS out yet. Positive changes are rapidly happening.


LFS's are good to have around.

Many deserve at least little support. Agreed.

That said, I just found the best online source I've seen for folks with a bunch of tanks.

Jehmco.com in NJ - Low prices on equipment and bulk food, charge actual cost for shipping. No where near the selection of Big Al's etc, but offer great deals on the stuff hobbyists with fishrooms need.

I ordered 30Lbs. worth of stuff, 15 different items on the phone. All in stock and received it in NC in two days, total shipping $9.

No ulterior motive pimping for these guys, I've just had enough grief ordering stuff online from other places (who shall remain nameless :wink: ) that I appreciate a good deal and especially a smooth transaction, delivery when it happens.



5 Year Member
North Haven, CT
Yeah Jehmco is a wonderful place for folks with fishrooms. if you're ever in the market for a large piston pump, those are the guys to see! I also look their way for meds, and bulk orders on sponge filters. great place, great service, great prices.


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