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New to keeping Macmasteri


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5 Year Member
I am getting 6 juvenile A. Macmasteri in a couple of weeks. I have a copy of Romer's book and have done a search and read the posts about the subject. Is there any other info I might need to know about these guys?

I plan on feeding bbs, possibly New Life Spectrem pellets, and occasionally frozen bs, bloodworms, and freezed dried Daphnia. I have access to the tank requirements for them, just wondering if their diet needs rethinking. In other words, what kind of feeding schedule do you guys use? Wha t is the main staple of the diet you use and how often do you change the diet?

I tried A. Cacs. and the last one died recently from a poor diet.(I think, no sign of parasites or disease) I would love to have these guys spawn and possibly last a long time in my care.

Thanks in advance,


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Please send me info regarding cuipeua. Thx, Joe.
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Where are you located?
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