Hi everyone... 
I should introduce myself first, I guess.. My name is Ari.. and I am from Brisbane, Australia.... I have been keeping discus for almost a year now
love it and addicted big time... but recently.. I can't resist the dwarf cichlids... especially rams and apistogramma. I have a few blue rams, and a pair of appistogramma cacatoides (sp!!).
I am just wondering, whether I can keep my dwarf cichlids with rainbow fish at all... I am keeping my dwarf in a 20 gal tank at the moment, and I really want to give them a bigger tank, but my 50gal has some tetra and rainbow fish in it.. so I am not too sure. :?
Thank you for your help
Regards, Ari
I should introduce myself first, I guess.. My name is Ari.. and I am from Brisbane, Australia.... I have been keeping discus for almost a year now
I am just wondering, whether I can keep my dwarf cichlids with rainbow fish at all... I am keeping my dwarf in a 20 gal tank at the moment, and I really want to give them a bigger tank, but my 50gal has some tetra and rainbow fish in it.. so I am not too sure. :?
Thank you for your help
Regards, Ari