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new to dwarf cichlids



Hi everyone... :)

I should introduce myself first, I guess.. My name is Ari.. and I am from Brisbane, Australia.... I have been keeping discus for almost a year now :D love it and addicted big time... but recently.. I can't resist the dwarf cichlids... especially rams and apistogramma. I have a few blue rams, and a pair of appistogramma cacatoides (sp!!).

I am just wondering, whether I can keep my dwarf cichlids with rainbow fish at all... I am keeping my dwarf in a 20 gal tank at the moment, and I really want to give them a bigger tank, but my 50gal has some tetra and rainbow fish in it.. so I am not too sure. :?

Thank you for your help :)

Regards, Ari


Active Member
5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA
A. cacatuoides with Rainbow Fish

Dear Ari,

A. cacatuoides are not a traditional extra sensitive soft water Apistogramma species. They do quite well in moderately soft to moderately hard water with a pH of, say, 6.8-7.6 or so (just like tap water :)). It's fine to keep them with your Rainbow fish, only be careful to provide many dense plantings. When the Apisto's fry become free swimming, the Rainbow fish will eat them!

Good luck to you!

Randall Kohn


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.


Yah, those rainbows can be sneaky-fast at picking off fry. They are a good tank-mate for the most part, as they occupy a different column of water. You just have to choose some of the softerwater ones, if you choose to work with some of the other apistos. Most apistos need more neutral or lower water than most rainbows, but cacatuoides should be fine. If you are already dealing with rams and discus, you shouldn't have a problem.
There has been a few discussions in the past about rainbows and Psuedomogil here. Try a search at the top of the page for others experience.


Thanks Randall and Neil :)

At the moment, I am not planning to breed the apistogramma.. I have a pair of cacatoides.. because they were sold as pairs.

My water is soft and neutral coming out of the tap... That is why I keep discus, I guess... I can't imagine having to play with my water too much... all I have to do is get rid of the chlorine and I am away.

The rainbows are wild caught, Australian natives.. so I am quite proud of them.... That is why I want to keep them :). And so far, they are quite happy with the soft and neutral water.

Well.. thank you again for the responses... so I guess... I can start shifting those fishie to their bigger home :D :D

Regards, Ari :)


New Member
5 Year Member
Gainesville, FL
Don't worry - those cacatuoides will start breediing by themselves! Then you'll probably get addicted like me and start setting up ten gallon breeding tanks all over the house :D


Hi Eva :D

Too late, I am already addicted :) Although, I really don't think I get into breeding for now.. cause I got enough work maintaining my discus tanks and now dwarf cichlids tank...

I will get into setting up my rainbow fish tank this weekend and move my dwarf cichlids in there..... I have to get more drift wood though.. Wish me luck :)

Regards, Ari :)


Hi Jeff

Yes.. it is me... :D I love those little dwarf cichlids too... I have put them together with my wild caught rainbows... and they don't seem to mind... I give them sinking pellets and also some frozen food.. to make sure every fish got their share at feeding time.

No sign of spawning yet.. although my blue rams are pairing up. I probably have to give them their own tank, otherwise.. the rainbows will eat the babies for breakfast...lol. Just have to wait and see what happened. I put some little pots in the tank.. and wait very patiently... I love these little guys and having lots of fun too. :D :D

Regards, Ari


New Member
Hi all,

Hope you are good. Newbie here! :)

I added 13 Lake Kutubu / Turquoise rainbow fish in my tank last Friday and I found my Apis.Trifasciata male dead this evening when I came home from work. :(

not sure what was the cause of it :(:(:(

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