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My Dicrossus went freeswimming this morning, i spent a pleasant hour watching and photographing them and am really enjoying this spawn, lovely little fish and unfortunately very under rated..
Congrats Ste, and nice shots! Looks like mom successfully told the kids to look at the camera. They're sure not under-rated among THIS gang!
BTW, do maculatus mothers always have yellow pelvics (like PeterK's and my pics) vs orange in filamentosa, or does maternal pelvic color vary within both species?
... and I wonder when D.mac will get split into multple forms/species ??
Hey guys, I’ve already got a group of 4 dicrossus filamentosus but I was thinking of adding 2 maculatus with them, will they live together or aren’t fit for that?
I have both species but haven't kept them together. The maculatus is quite assertive though and should be fine. I've also had the filamentosus with different apistogramma species and Laetacara dorsigera and they held their own. So I would fully expect you can keep them together but as always I'd like to have a plan B, one or more other thanks, to relocate if needed.