Hey everyone,
I bought these fish last week from Sims Tropical. They are meant to be a wild caught viejita pair, though I’m sceptical after all the reading I’ve done.
Mac Z kindly helped on my intro post and identified these as Domestic Macs (red shoulders).
Before I complain to the seller, please may you knowledgable experts kindly provide a second opinion by identifying the genus and letting me know whether I’ve defo got a male and female?
Sorry if they’re not the best pics, they’re not very good at posing for the camera lol
I bought these fish last week from Sims Tropical. They are meant to be a wild caught viejita pair, though I’m sceptical after all the reading I’ve done.
Mac Z kindly helped on my intro post and identified these as Domestic Macs (red shoulders).
Before I complain to the seller, please may you knowledgable experts kindly provide a second opinion by identifying the genus and letting me know whether I’ve defo got a male and female?
Sorry if they’re not the best pics, they’re not very good at posing for the camera lol