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ID and sexing


New Member
I bought a batch of inch long immature Apistos a few months back at an auction and the seller didn't know the species; It was listed as A. barrille like. I was wondering if anyone can ID these Apisto for me? These are my first Apoistos and I am hoping they are not Apisto Steel Blue with out full adult coloration. I can try and get a picture with out the flash to show the darker coloration if needed. Thanks for your time in advance.

A 1.png

Both Female?
A 3.png

I have this one in a tank with a bright tan sand. Should be the same species and is much lighter in color. Nice yellow on the tail. Male?
8 11 2014 087.JPG

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Well, I can't be 100% sure, the photos don't really show enough features for a positive ID. I'd need to see more photos showing their dark markings better. It would also help to know the size of the fish. That being said, all of the specimens appear to be regani-group species, which doesn't really help much since there are ~100 different regani-group species. Is the fish in the top photo the same as the fish on the left in the middle photo? And did all of the fish in the photos come in together? I just need more information. I will say that the fish in the bottom photo is a male eunotus-complex species. Those in the other 2 photos could be the same, but doubt it. The fish on the right in the middle photo looks sort of like a female A. paulmuelleri.


New Member
This is the fish on the left from the middle picture above. 1.5" to 2" range

This is the fish on the right the middle picture in the above post. Slightly smaller 1.25" to 1.75"

In my original post, the fish in the top photo and the middle photo on the left are different fish. I have not been able to get a good pic of the fish in the top photo.

I bought a batch of 12 babies in an auction that were around 1" two or three months ago. I shared them with another member of the club and ended up with 6. I assume they are all the same species. I am thinking of moving the male into the black sand tank to see if his coloration will change to look similar to the other 3. Its a 20 long so I will move one out.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Well, if they are all from the same brood they obviously must be the same species. That being said, I see a split vertical Bar 6 on the top fish in the recent photos. That means it's a eunotus-complex species, so my guess is that they are A. cf. eunotus Orange-tail/Orangeschwanz. They are still young, just becoming sexually mature, but think I see both sexes in the photos. In a month or 2 they should be mature enough to get a better ID.


New Member
A. cf. eunotus Orange-tail/Orangeschwanz; based on other pictures online, it looks like the best option at this time. Ill let them grow a little more and will post again if they end up looking different. I appreciate your help.

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Please send me info regarding cuipeua. Thx, Joe.
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Where are you located?
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Longtime fish enthusiast for over 70years......keen on Apistos now. How do I post videos?
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