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- 1,809
- Location
- Richfield, WI
New Arrivals from last week
Pelvicachromis taeniatus”Edea” wild caught 1 ½” $60/pr (1 pair available)
Pelvicachromis taeniatus”Lobe” wild caught 1 ¾”-2” $40/pr
Pelvicachromis taeniatus”Bipindi” wild caught 1 ¾”- 2″ $40/pr
Pelvicachromis pulcher yellow Krib wild caught 2-3″ $8 each $20/pr
Pelvicachromis sacrimontis wild caught 2-3” $30/pr
Benitochromis riomuniensis wild caught 2” $30 each 4/$100
Steatocrannus tinanti Slim Buffalohead wild caught 2-3″ $45/gr (looks like a trio)
Hemichromis fasciatus “Lake Volta” wild caught 1 ¾” $12 each 6/$60
Gobiocichla ethelwynae Cross River Goby Cichlid wild caught 2”-2 ½”+ $35 each 6/$180
Koina eisentrauti wild caught 2 ½” $35 each 6/$180
Pungu maclareni wild caught 3”-3 ½”+ $40 each 6+ $35 each
Etia nguti wild caught 1”-1 ½” $30 each 6+ $25 each
Barbus jae wild caught ½”-3/4” $7 each 12+ $6 each
Barbus cf.gracils Cameroon wild caught ½”+ $7 each 12+ $6 each
Chromaphyosemion splendopleure “Moliwe” wild caught 1 ½” $20/pr
Procatopus similis “Muyuka” wild caught 1 ½” $10 each 6+ $9 each
Aplochelichthys lamberti wild caught 1″-1 1/4″ $5 each 6+ $4.50 each 12+ $4 each
Poropanchax scheeli—Longfinned blue eyed killie wild caught ½”-3/4” $7 each 12+ $6 each
Myleus rubripinnis Red hook silver dollar wild caught silver dollar +++ body $25 each 6/$125
Axelrodia reisei Ruby red tetra wild caught ½”-3/4” $3 each 6+ $2.75 each 12+ $2.50 each
Microgeophagus ramirezi Blue Ram wild caught 1 ½”-1 ¾” $5 each $12/pr
Apistogramma macmasteri wild caught 1”-1 ¾” $12 each 6/$60 $25/pr
Otocinclus macrospilus Dwarf Oto cat wild caught 1 ½”+ $2 each 6+ $1.75 each 12+ $1.50 each
Hypancistrus contradens Colombian Gold Nugget wild caught 2”-3″ $35 each 6+ $30 each
Ancistrus dolichopterus L183 Starlight Pleco wild caught 3-4″ $20 each 6+ $18 each
Hypancistrus sp. L340 Mega Clown Zebra Pleco wild caught 2” $30 2 ¾” $35
Farlowella sp. Long nosed Twig Catfish wild caught 6” $12
Corydoras pygmaeus Pygmy Cory wild caught ½”+ $2.50 each 6+ $2.25 each 12+ $2.10 each 24+ $1.95 each
Corydoras nijsseni wild caught 1 ¾” $45 each 6+ $42 each
Brochis cf. splendens wild caught 3” $28 each 6+ $26 each 12+ $24 each
Stock that has been here for a month or more
South American Cichlids
Apistogramma sp. Abacaxis wild caught 1 1/4″-1 1/2″ $65/pr $15/male
Apistogramma atahualpa “sunset” wild caught 1 ¾” $45/trio
Apistogramma elizabethae wild caught ¾”-1 ¼” $40 each 6/$175
Apistogramma erythrura tank raised 1 ¾” $15 each (males only)
Apistogramma hippolytae wild caught single large show male $20
Apistogramma panduro F1 1 ¾” $10 each (females only)
Apistogramma cf. macmasteri (imported as Tame) wild caught $75/pr
Bioteocus opercularis wild caught 1 1/2″ $40 each
Dicrossus filamentosus Brazil wild caught 1 ¼”-1 ¾” $15 each 6 or more $12 each
Dicrossus maculatus wild caught 1 3/4″-2″+ $100/trio
Ivanacara adoketa wild caught 1 ½”-2 ½” $65 each (unsexed) $150/pr
Latacara curviceps wild caught 1”-1 ½” $10 each 5/$40
Latacara dorsigera Brazil tank raised 1 ½” 7/$100
Laetacara thayeri tank raised 1 ½”-2” 2/$25 (possible pair)
Taeniacara candidi wild caught 3/4″ $20 each
Angel Fish and Discus
Pterophyllum leopoldi wild caught ½ dollar body size $30 each 6/$150
Pterophyllum cf. scalare “Peru Altum” 1/2 dollar body size 5/$85
Pterophyllum cf. scalare Santa Isabel “Red Shoulder Altum” silver dollar body size 4/$600
West African Cichlids
Anomalochromis thomasi Guinea wild caught ¾”-1” $8 each
Benitochromis nigrodorsalis wild caught 2 ½”-3”+ 6/$125
Enigmatochromis lucanusi wild caught 1 ¾”-2” $40/pr
Hemichromis fasciatus “Lake Volta” 5 spot jewel wild caught 2 3/4” $10 (1 available)
Hemichromis guttatus Ghana red jewel wild caught 3-4” $15 each $40/proven pair
Hemichromis sp. Moanda wild caught 1 ½”+ $16 each
Nanochromis parilis wild caught 2 ½”-3” $30/pr
Nannochromis splendens wild caught 1 ½”-1 ¾” $60/pr
Nanochromis transvestitus wild caught 1 1/2″ $45/pr
Pelvicachromis drachenfels wild caught 1 ¾” $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus Wouri)
Pelvicachromis humils Friya wild caught 2″ $40/pr
Pelvicachromis kribensis Kinke wild caught 1 ½”-2”+ $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus)
Pelvicachromis kribensis Lokoundje wild caught 1 ½”-2 ½” $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus)
Pelvicachromis kribensis Makoure wild caught 1 ½”-2 ½” $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus)
Pelvicachromis kribensis Moliwe (new collection location) wild caught 2”+ $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus)
Pelvicachromis kribensis Nyete wild caught 1 ½”-2” $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus)
Pelvicachromis pulcher Super Red tank raised 1”-1 ¼”+ $5 each (females only)
Pelvicachromis pulcher wild caught 2”-2 ¾” $12 each
Pelvicachromis roloffi Kolente wild caught 2″ $40/pr
Pelvicachromis rubrolabiatus wild caught 2 1/2″ $45/pr
Pelvicachromis signatus wild caught 2″ $45/pr
Pelvicachromis silviae (=sp. aff. subocellatus) wild caught 2 “-2 ½” $35/pr
Pelvicachromis subocellatus Moanda wild caught 2-3” $60/pr
Pelvicachromis taeniatus Nigerian Green wild caught 1 ½”-2” $60/pr
Pelvicachromis taeniatus Nigerian Red tank raised 1 ¾” $10 each (females only)
Steatocranus bleheri wild caught 2 ½” $15 (1 available)
Steatocrannus irvinei Blue lipped Buffalohead wild caught 3”+ $30 each (1 available)
Steatocranus sp. Red Eye wild caught 2-2 ½” $15 each 6/$75
East African Cichlids
Pseudotropheus acei 1 ½”-2”+ 6/$20
Barbs and Tetras
Alestopetersius cf. nigropterus “orange flash” wild caught 2 ½”-3” $35 each 6+ $30 each
Alestopetersius smykalai Blue Diamond Tetra wild caught 1 ½” $16 each 6+ $14 each 12+ $12 each
Arnoldichtys spilopterus African Red-eye Tetra wild caught 2 ½”-3” 6/$60
Barboides gracilis dwarf amber barb wild caught ½”+ $6 each
Barbus hulstaerti African Butterfly Barb wild caught ¾”+ $15 each 6/$80 12/$150
Bathyaethiops breusheghemi Red capped Moon Tetra 2” wild caught $9 each 6/$50 12/$90
Brycinus (Alestes) longipinnis African Head and Tail light Tetra wild caught 2” $9 each 6+ $8 each
Crenuchus spilurus (VERY colorful form) wild caught 1 ½” $8 each 6/$40
Hemmigrammus bleheri rummy nose tetra wild caught 1 ½” 6+ $3 each 12+ $2.90 each 24+ $2.80 each
Hemigrammus stictus Red Base Tetra wild caught 1”+ 6+ $4.75 each 12+ $4.50 each
Hemigramopetersius caudalis yellow Congo tetra wild caught 1 ½” $9 each 6/$50 12/$90
Hyphessobrycon pyrrhonotus Flameback Breeding Heart Tetra wild caught 1 ½” $4.50 each 6+ $4each 12+ $3.75 each 24+ $3.60 each
Hyphessobrycon sweglessi Red Phantom Tetra wild caught 1”+ 6+ $3 each 12+ $2.90 each 24+ $2.80 each 50+ $2.70 each
Hyphessobrycon vilmae chocolate neon tetra wild caught 1 ¼”+ 6/$35 12/$65
Ladegesia roloffi Jelly Bean Tetra wild caught 3/4″-1″ $4.50 each 6+ $4 each 12+ $3.50 each 24+ $3 each
Lepidarchus adonis Adinis Tetra wild caught 1/2″-3/4″ $4.50 each 6+ $4 each 12+ $3.50 each 24+ $3 each
Nannostomus marginatus dwarf red fin pencil fish wild caught ¾”+ 6+ $3.50 each 12+ $3.30 each 24+ $3each
Nannostomus unifasciatus one line pencilfish wild caught 1 ½” 6+ $3.50 each 12+ $3.30 each 24+ $3each
Nematobrycon larcotei Rainbow Emperor tetra wild caught 1”-1 ½” $4 each 6/$21 12/$36
Neolabias ansorgii Green wild caught 1” $12 each 6+ $10 each
Neolabias unifasciatus One Line Dwarf Tetra wild caught 1 ¼”+ 6+ $6.50each 12+ $6each
Paracherirodon axelrodi Cardinal Tetra wild caught ¾”-1” 6+ $2.50 each 12+ $2.30 each 24+ $2.15 each
Paracherirodon axelrodi Cardinal Tetra wild caught 1 ½” 6+ $3.50 each 12+ $3.25 each 24+ $3.00 each
Paracheirodon simulans Green Neon Tetra wild caught ¾”-1” 6+ $1.50 each 12+ $1.40 each 24+ $1.30 each 50+ $1.20 each
Phenacogrammus aurantiacus “orange form” wild caught 2” $25 each (on the cover of Amazonas Magazine)
Phenacogrammus interruptus Congo Tetra wild caught 2″ $12 each 6+ $11 each 12+ $10 each
Phenacogrammus pulcher African Copper Tetra wild caught 1 ¾”-2” $16 each 6+ $15 each 12+ $14 each
Poecilocharax weitzmani wild caught ¾” 6+ $4 each 12+ $3.75 each 24+ $3.50 each
Tucanoicthys Tucano wild caught ½”-3/4” $18 each 3+ $17 each 6+ $16 each
Killi Fish
Aplochelicthys lamberti wild caught 3/4″ $3.15 each 6+ $3 each 12+ $2.85 each 24+ $2.70 each
Aplochelicthys luxopthalmus Neon Green Lamp Eye wild caught 3/4″ 6/$25 12/$40
Aplochelicthys normanii wild caught 3/4″ $3.15 each 6+ $3 each 12+ $2.85 each 24+ $2.70 each
Aplochelichthys rancureli “Volta” wild caught 1” 6/$30 12/$55 24/$100
Epiplatys infrafasciatus baroi “Bindou Red” wild caught 2-2 ½” $12 each 6/$60
Epiplatys singa wild caught 2” 6/$75
Hypsopanchax zebra wild caught 1 1/2″+ $30 each
Procatopus similis Kumba wild caught 3/4″-1 1/2″ $10 each 6+ $9 each 12+ $8 each
Aspidoras, Brochis, Corydoras
Aspidoras pauciradiatus wild caught ¾”-1” $4 each 6+ $3.75 each 12+ $3.50 24+ $3.25
Brochis sp. CW034 wild caught 3” $40 each
Cory. burgessi wild caught 2” $18 each 6+ $17 each 12+ $16 each
Cory. eques wild caught 1 ½”-2” $26 each 6+ $24 each 12+ $22 each
Cory. duplicareus wild caught 1 3/4″ $17 each 6+ $16 each 12+ $15 each
Cory. gossei wild caught 1 ¾”-2 ½” $24 each (7 available)
Cory. cf. schwartzi wild caught 1 ¾” $6 each
Cory. seussi wild caught 2-3” 5/$140
Cory. similis wild caught 1 ¾” $15 each
Cory. sodalis wild caught 1 ¾”-2” $6 each
Plecostomus and Other Catfish
Peckolita compta leapord frog pleco L134 wild caught 2” $50 each
Trachelichthys exilis “false jaeguar cat” wild caught 2 ½” $25 each 6/$125 12/$200
Synodontis pardalis Leopard Syno wild caught 4-5” $135 each 5-6” $150 each
Inverts and Odd Balls
Collomesus asselus South American Fresh Water Puffer wild caught 1″ $10
Microctenopoma ansorgii Red “orange bush fish” 1 ½”++ wild caught $12 each 4/$40
Sicidium/Sicydium sp. algea eating goby wild caught 1 ½”-2” $15 each 3+ $14 each 6+ $13 each
Pelvicachromis taeniatus”Edea” wild caught 1 ½” $60/pr (1 pair available)
Pelvicachromis taeniatus”Lobe” wild caught 1 ¾”-2” $40/pr
Pelvicachromis taeniatus”Bipindi” wild caught 1 ¾”- 2″ $40/pr
Pelvicachromis pulcher yellow Krib wild caught 2-3″ $8 each $20/pr
Pelvicachromis sacrimontis wild caught 2-3” $30/pr
Benitochromis riomuniensis wild caught 2” $30 each 4/$100
Steatocrannus tinanti Slim Buffalohead wild caught 2-3″ $45/gr (looks like a trio)
Hemichromis fasciatus “Lake Volta” wild caught 1 ¾” $12 each 6/$60
Gobiocichla ethelwynae Cross River Goby Cichlid wild caught 2”-2 ½”+ $35 each 6/$180
Koina eisentrauti wild caught 2 ½” $35 each 6/$180
Pungu maclareni wild caught 3”-3 ½”+ $40 each 6+ $35 each
Etia nguti wild caught 1”-1 ½” $30 each 6+ $25 each
Barbus jae wild caught ½”-3/4” $7 each 12+ $6 each
Barbus cf.gracils Cameroon wild caught ½”+ $7 each 12+ $6 each
Chromaphyosemion splendopleure “Moliwe” wild caught 1 ½” $20/pr
Procatopus similis “Muyuka” wild caught 1 ½” $10 each 6+ $9 each
Aplochelichthys lamberti wild caught 1″-1 1/4″ $5 each 6+ $4.50 each 12+ $4 each
Poropanchax scheeli—Longfinned blue eyed killie wild caught ½”-3/4” $7 each 12+ $6 each
Myleus rubripinnis Red hook silver dollar wild caught silver dollar +++ body $25 each 6/$125
Axelrodia reisei Ruby red tetra wild caught ½”-3/4” $3 each 6+ $2.75 each 12+ $2.50 each
Microgeophagus ramirezi Blue Ram wild caught 1 ½”-1 ¾” $5 each $12/pr
Apistogramma macmasteri wild caught 1”-1 ¾” $12 each 6/$60 $25/pr
Otocinclus macrospilus Dwarf Oto cat wild caught 1 ½”+ $2 each 6+ $1.75 each 12+ $1.50 each
Hypancistrus contradens Colombian Gold Nugget wild caught 2”-3″ $35 each 6+ $30 each
Ancistrus dolichopterus L183 Starlight Pleco wild caught 3-4″ $20 each 6+ $18 each
Hypancistrus sp. L340 Mega Clown Zebra Pleco wild caught 2” $30 2 ¾” $35
Farlowella sp. Long nosed Twig Catfish wild caught 6” $12
Corydoras pygmaeus Pygmy Cory wild caught ½”+ $2.50 each 6+ $2.25 each 12+ $2.10 each 24+ $1.95 each
Corydoras nijsseni wild caught 1 ¾” $45 each 6+ $42 each
Brochis cf. splendens wild caught 3” $28 each 6+ $26 each 12+ $24 each
Stock that has been here for a month or more
South American Cichlids
Apistogramma sp. Abacaxis wild caught 1 1/4″-1 1/2″ $65/pr $15/male
Apistogramma atahualpa “sunset” wild caught 1 ¾” $45/trio
Apistogramma elizabethae wild caught ¾”-1 ¼” $40 each 6/$175
Apistogramma erythrura tank raised 1 ¾” $15 each (males only)
Apistogramma hippolytae wild caught single large show male $20
Apistogramma panduro F1 1 ¾” $10 each (females only)
Apistogramma cf. macmasteri (imported as Tame) wild caught $75/pr
Bioteocus opercularis wild caught 1 1/2″ $40 each
Dicrossus filamentosus Brazil wild caught 1 ¼”-1 ¾” $15 each 6 or more $12 each
Dicrossus maculatus wild caught 1 3/4″-2″+ $100/trio
Ivanacara adoketa wild caught 1 ½”-2 ½” $65 each (unsexed) $150/pr
Latacara curviceps wild caught 1”-1 ½” $10 each 5/$40
Latacara dorsigera Brazil tank raised 1 ½” 7/$100
Laetacara thayeri tank raised 1 ½”-2” 2/$25 (possible pair)
Taeniacara candidi wild caught 3/4″ $20 each
Angel Fish and Discus
Pterophyllum leopoldi wild caught ½ dollar body size $30 each 6/$150
Pterophyllum cf. scalare “Peru Altum” 1/2 dollar body size 5/$85
Pterophyllum cf. scalare Santa Isabel “Red Shoulder Altum” silver dollar body size 4/$600
West African Cichlids
Anomalochromis thomasi Guinea wild caught ¾”-1” $8 each
Benitochromis nigrodorsalis wild caught 2 ½”-3”+ 6/$125
Enigmatochromis lucanusi wild caught 1 ¾”-2” $40/pr
Hemichromis fasciatus “Lake Volta” 5 spot jewel wild caught 2 3/4” $10 (1 available)
Hemichromis guttatus Ghana red jewel wild caught 3-4” $15 each $40/proven pair
Hemichromis sp. Moanda wild caught 1 ½”+ $16 each
Nanochromis parilis wild caught 2 ½”-3” $30/pr
Nannochromis splendens wild caught 1 ½”-1 ¾” $60/pr
Nanochromis transvestitus wild caught 1 1/2″ $45/pr
Pelvicachromis drachenfels wild caught 1 ¾” $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus Wouri)
Pelvicachromis humils Friya wild caught 2″ $40/pr
Pelvicachromis kribensis Kinke wild caught 1 ½”-2”+ $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus)
Pelvicachromis kribensis Lokoundje wild caught 1 ½”-2 ½” $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus)
Pelvicachromis kribensis Makoure wild caught 1 ½”-2 ½” $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus)
Pelvicachromis kribensis Moliwe (new collection location) wild caught 2”+ $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus)
Pelvicachromis kribensis Nyete wild caught 1 ½”-2” $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus)
Pelvicachromis pulcher Super Red tank raised 1”-1 ¼”+ $5 each (females only)
Pelvicachromis pulcher wild caught 2”-2 ¾” $12 each
Pelvicachromis roloffi Kolente wild caught 2″ $40/pr
Pelvicachromis rubrolabiatus wild caught 2 1/2″ $45/pr
Pelvicachromis signatus wild caught 2″ $45/pr
Pelvicachromis silviae (=sp. aff. subocellatus) wild caught 2 “-2 ½” $35/pr
Pelvicachromis subocellatus Moanda wild caught 2-3” $60/pr
Pelvicachromis taeniatus Nigerian Green wild caught 1 ½”-2” $60/pr
Pelvicachromis taeniatus Nigerian Red tank raised 1 ¾” $10 each (females only)
Steatocranus bleheri wild caught 2 ½” $15 (1 available)
Steatocrannus irvinei Blue lipped Buffalohead wild caught 3”+ $30 each (1 available)
Steatocranus sp. Red Eye wild caught 2-2 ½” $15 each 6/$75
East African Cichlids
Pseudotropheus acei 1 ½”-2”+ 6/$20
Barbs and Tetras
Alestopetersius cf. nigropterus “orange flash” wild caught 2 ½”-3” $35 each 6+ $30 each
Alestopetersius smykalai Blue Diamond Tetra wild caught 1 ½” $16 each 6+ $14 each 12+ $12 each
Arnoldichtys spilopterus African Red-eye Tetra wild caught 2 ½”-3” 6/$60
Barboides gracilis dwarf amber barb wild caught ½”+ $6 each
Barbus hulstaerti African Butterfly Barb wild caught ¾”+ $15 each 6/$80 12/$150
Bathyaethiops breusheghemi Red capped Moon Tetra 2” wild caught $9 each 6/$50 12/$90
Brycinus (Alestes) longipinnis African Head and Tail light Tetra wild caught 2” $9 each 6+ $8 each
Crenuchus spilurus (VERY colorful form) wild caught 1 ½” $8 each 6/$40
Hemmigrammus bleheri rummy nose tetra wild caught 1 ½” 6+ $3 each 12+ $2.90 each 24+ $2.80 each
Hemigrammus stictus Red Base Tetra wild caught 1”+ 6+ $4.75 each 12+ $4.50 each
Hemigramopetersius caudalis yellow Congo tetra wild caught 1 ½” $9 each 6/$50 12/$90
Hyphessobrycon pyrrhonotus Flameback Breeding Heart Tetra wild caught 1 ½” $4.50 each 6+ $4each 12+ $3.75 each 24+ $3.60 each
Hyphessobrycon sweglessi Red Phantom Tetra wild caught 1”+ 6+ $3 each 12+ $2.90 each 24+ $2.80 each 50+ $2.70 each
Hyphessobrycon vilmae chocolate neon tetra wild caught 1 ¼”+ 6/$35 12/$65
Ladegesia roloffi Jelly Bean Tetra wild caught 3/4″-1″ $4.50 each 6+ $4 each 12+ $3.50 each 24+ $3 each
Lepidarchus adonis Adinis Tetra wild caught 1/2″-3/4″ $4.50 each 6+ $4 each 12+ $3.50 each 24+ $3 each
Nannostomus marginatus dwarf red fin pencil fish wild caught ¾”+ 6+ $3.50 each 12+ $3.30 each 24+ $3each
Nannostomus unifasciatus one line pencilfish wild caught 1 ½” 6+ $3.50 each 12+ $3.30 each 24+ $3each
Nematobrycon larcotei Rainbow Emperor tetra wild caught 1”-1 ½” $4 each 6/$21 12/$36
Neolabias ansorgii Green wild caught 1” $12 each 6+ $10 each
Neolabias unifasciatus One Line Dwarf Tetra wild caught 1 ¼”+ 6+ $6.50each 12+ $6each
Paracherirodon axelrodi Cardinal Tetra wild caught ¾”-1” 6+ $2.50 each 12+ $2.30 each 24+ $2.15 each
Paracherirodon axelrodi Cardinal Tetra wild caught 1 ½” 6+ $3.50 each 12+ $3.25 each 24+ $3.00 each
Paracheirodon simulans Green Neon Tetra wild caught ¾”-1” 6+ $1.50 each 12+ $1.40 each 24+ $1.30 each 50+ $1.20 each
Phenacogrammus aurantiacus “orange form” wild caught 2” $25 each (on the cover of Amazonas Magazine)
Phenacogrammus interruptus Congo Tetra wild caught 2″ $12 each 6+ $11 each 12+ $10 each
Phenacogrammus pulcher African Copper Tetra wild caught 1 ¾”-2” $16 each 6+ $15 each 12+ $14 each
Poecilocharax weitzmani wild caught ¾” 6+ $4 each 12+ $3.75 each 24+ $3.50 each
Tucanoicthys Tucano wild caught ½”-3/4” $18 each 3+ $17 each 6+ $16 each
Killi Fish
Aplochelicthys lamberti wild caught 3/4″ $3.15 each 6+ $3 each 12+ $2.85 each 24+ $2.70 each
Aplochelicthys luxopthalmus Neon Green Lamp Eye wild caught 3/4″ 6/$25 12/$40
Aplochelicthys normanii wild caught 3/4″ $3.15 each 6+ $3 each 12+ $2.85 each 24+ $2.70 each
Aplochelichthys rancureli “Volta” wild caught 1” 6/$30 12/$55 24/$100
Epiplatys infrafasciatus baroi “Bindou Red” wild caught 2-2 ½” $12 each 6/$60
Epiplatys singa wild caught 2” 6/$75
Hypsopanchax zebra wild caught 1 1/2″+ $30 each
Procatopus similis Kumba wild caught 3/4″-1 1/2″ $10 each 6+ $9 each 12+ $8 each
Aspidoras, Brochis, Corydoras
Aspidoras pauciradiatus wild caught ¾”-1” $4 each 6+ $3.75 each 12+ $3.50 24+ $3.25
Brochis sp. CW034 wild caught 3” $40 each
Cory. burgessi wild caught 2” $18 each 6+ $17 each 12+ $16 each
Cory. eques wild caught 1 ½”-2” $26 each 6+ $24 each 12+ $22 each
Cory. duplicareus wild caught 1 3/4″ $17 each 6+ $16 each 12+ $15 each
Cory. gossei wild caught 1 ¾”-2 ½” $24 each (7 available)
Cory. cf. schwartzi wild caught 1 ¾” $6 each
Cory. seussi wild caught 2-3” 5/$140
Cory. similis wild caught 1 ¾” $15 each
Cory. sodalis wild caught 1 ¾”-2” $6 each
Plecostomus and Other Catfish
Peckolita compta leapord frog pleco L134 wild caught 2” $50 each
Trachelichthys exilis “false jaeguar cat” wild caught 2 ½” $25 each 6/$125 12/$200
Synodontis pardalis Leopard Syno wild caught 4-5” $135 each 5-6” $150 each
Inverts and Odd Balls
Collomesus asselus South American Fresh Water Puffer wild caught 1″ $10
Microctenopoma ansorgii Red “orange bush fish” 1 ½”++ wild caught $12 each 4/$40
Sicidium/Sicydium sp. algea eating goby wild caught 1 ½”-2” $15 each 3+ $14 each 6+ $13 each