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HUGE Selection of Fish


Staff member
5 Year Member
Richfield, WI
New Arrivals from last week
Pelvicachromis taeniatus”Edea” wild caught 1 ½” $60/pr (1 pair available)

Pelvicachromis taeniatus”Lobe” wild caught 1 ¾”-2” $40/pr

Pelvicachromis taeniatus”Bipindi” wild caught 1 ¾”- 2″ $40/pr

Pelvicachromis pulcher yellow Krib wild caught 2-3″ $8 each $20/pr

Pelvicachromis sacrimontis wild caught 2-3” $30/pr

Benitochromis riomuniensis wild caught 2” $30 each 4/$100

Steatocrannus tinanti Slim Buffalohead wild caught 2-3″ $45/gr (looks like a trio)

Hemichromis fasciatus “Lake Volta” wild caught 1 ¾” $12 each 6/$60

Gobiocichla ethelwynae Cross River Goby Cichlid wild caught 2”-2 ½”+ $35 each 6/$180

Koina eisentrauti wild caught 2 ½” $35 each 6/$180

Pungu maclareni wild caught 3”-3 ½”+ $40 each 6+ $35 each

Etia nguti wild caught 1”-1 ½” $30 each 6+ $25 each

Barbus jae wild caught ½”-3/4” $7 each 12+ $6 each

Barbus cf.gracils Cameroon wild caught ½”+ $7 each 12+ $6 each

Chromaphyosemion splendopleure “Moliwe” wild caught 1 ½” $20/pr

Procatopus similis “Muyuka” wild caught 1 ½” $10 each 6+ $9 each

Aplochelichthys lamberti wild caught 1″-1 1/4″ $5 each 6+ $4.50 each 12+ $4 each

Poropanchax scheeli—Longfinned blue eyed killie wild caught ½”-3/4” $7 each 12+ $6 each

Myleus rubripinnis Red hook silver dollar wild caught silver dollar +++ body $25 each 6/$125

Axelrodia reisei Ruby red tetra wild caught ½”-3/4” $3 each 6+ $2.75 each 12+ $2.50 each

Microgeophagus ramirezi Blue Ram wild caught 1 ½”-1 ¾” $5 each $12/pr

Apistogramma macmasteri wild caught 1”-1 ¾” $12 each 6/$60 $25/pr

Otocinclus macrospilus Dwarf Oto cat wild caught 1 ½”+ $2 each 6+ $1.75 each 12+ $1.50 each

Hypancistrus contradens Colombian Gold Nugget wild caught 2”-3″ $35 each 6+ $30 each

Ancistrus dolichopterus L183 Starlight Pleco wild caught 3-4″ $20 each 6+ $18 each

Hypancistrus sp. L340 Mega Clown Zebra Pleco wild caught 2” $30 2 ¾” $35

Farlowella sp. Long nosed Twig Catfish wild caught 6” $12

Corydoras pygmaeus Pygmy Cory wild caught ½”+ $2.50 each 6+ $2.25 each 12+ $2.10 each 24+ $1.95 each

Corydoras nijsseni wild caught 1 ¾” $45 each 6+ $42 each

Brochis cf. splendens wild caught 3” $28 each 6+ $26 each 12+ $24 each

Stock that has been here for a month or more
South American Cichlids

Apistogramma sp. Abacaxis wild caught 1 1/4″-1 1/2″ $65/pr $15/male
Apistogramma atahualpa “sunset” wild caught 1 ¾” $45/trio
Apistogramma elizabethae wild caught ¾”-1 ¼” $40 each 6/$175

Apistogramma erythrura tank raised 1 ¾” $15 each (males only)
Apistogramma hippolytae wild caught single large show male $20
Apistogramma panduro F1 1 ¾” $10 each (females only)
Apistogramma cf. macmasteri (imported as Tame) wild caught $75/pr

Bioteocus opercularis wild caught 1 1/2″ $40 each
Dicrossus filamentosus Brazil wild caught 1 ¼”-1 ¾” $15 each 6 or more $12 each

Dicrossus maculatus wild caught 1 3/4″-2″+ $100/trio

Ivanacara adoketa wild caught 1 ½”-2 ½” $65 each (unsexed) $150/pr

Latacara curviceps wild caught 1”-1 ½” $10 each 5/$40
Latacara dorsigera Brazil tank raised 1 ½” 7/$100
Laetacara thayeri tank raised 1 ½”-2” 2/$25 (possible pair)

Taeniacara candidi wild caught 3/4″ $20 each

Angel Fish and Discus
Pterophyllum leopoldi wild caught ½ dollar body size $30 each 6/$150

Pterophyllum cf. scalare “Peru Altum” 1/2 dollar body size 5/$85

Pterophyllum cf. scalare Santa Isabel “Red Shoulder Altum” silver dollar body size 4/$600
West African Cichlids
Anomalochromis thomasi Guinea wild caught ¾”-1” $8 each
Benitochromis nigrodorsalis wild caught 2 ½”-3”+ 6/$125

Enigmatochromis lucanusi wild caught 1 ¾”-2” $40/pr
Hemichromis fasciatus “Lake Volta” 5 spot jewel wild caught 2 3/4” $10 (1 available)
Hemichromis guttatus Ghana red jewel wild caught 3-4” $15 each $40/proven pair

Hemichromis sp. Moanda wild caught 1 ½”+ $16 each

Nanochromis parilis wild caught 2 ½”-3” $30/pr
Nannochromis splendens wild caught 1 ½”-1 ¾” $60/pr

Nanochromis transvestitus wild caught 1 1/2″ $45/pr
Pelvicachromis drachenfels wild caught 1 ¾” $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus Wouri)

Pelvicachromis humils Friya wild caught 2″ $40/pr

Pelvicachromis kribensis Kinke wild caught 1 ½”-2”+ $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus)

Pelvicachromis kribensis Lokoundje wild caught 1 ½”-2 ½” $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus)

Pelvicachromis kribensis Makoure wild caught 1 ½”-2 ½” $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus)

Pelvicachromis kribensis Moliwe (new collection location) wild caught 2”+ $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus)
Pelvicachromis kribensis Nyete wild caught 1 ½”-2” $40/pr (formerly P. taeniatus)

Pelvicachromis pulcher Super Red tank raised 1”-1 ¼”+ $5 each (females only)

Pelvicachromis pulcher wild caught 2”-2 ¾” $12 each

Pelvicachromis roloffi Kolente wild caught 2″ $40/pr

Pelvicachromis rubrolabiatus wild caught 2 1/2″ $45/pr

Pelvicachromis signatus wild caught 2″ $45/pr
Pelvicachromis silviae (=sp. aff. subocellatus) wild caught 2 “-2 ½” $35/pr

Pelvicachromis subocellatus Moanda wild caught 2-3” $60/pr
Pelvicachromis taeniatus Nigerian Green wild caught 1 ½”-2” $60/pr
Pelvicachromis taeniatus Nigerian Red tank raised 1 ¾” $10 each (females only)

Steatocranus bleheri wild caught 2 ½” $15 (1 available)

Steatocrannus irvinei Blue lipped Buffalohead wild caught 3”+ $30 each (1 available)

Steatocranus sp. Red Eye wild caught 2-2 ½” $15 each 6/$75

East African Cichlids
Pseudotropheus acei 1 ½”-2”+ 6/$20

Barbs and Tetras

Alestopetersius cf. nigropterus “orange flash” wild caught 2 ½”-3” $35 each 6+ $30 each

Alestopetersius smykalai Blue Diamond Tetra wild caught 1 ½” $16 each 6+ $14 each 12+ $12 each
Arnoldichtys spilopterus African Red-eye Tetra wild caught 2 ½”-3” 6/$60
Barboides gracilis dwarf amber barb wild caught ½”+ $6 each
Barbus hulstaerti African Butterfly Barb wild caught ¾”+ $15 each 6/$80 12/$150
Bathyaethiops breusheghemi Red capped Moon Tetra 2” wild caught $9 each 6/$50 12/$90
Brycinus (Alestes) longipinnis African Head and Tail light Tetra wild caught 2” $9 each 6+ $8 each

Crenuchus spilurus (VERY colorful form) wild caught 1 ½” $8 each 6/$40
Hemmigrammus bleheri rummy nose tetra wild caught 1 ½” 6+ $3 each 12+ $2.90 each 24+ $2.80 each
Hemigrammus stictus Red Base Tetra wild caught 1”+ 6+ $4.75 each 12+ $4.50 each
Hemigramopetersius caudalis yellow Congo tetra wild caught 1 ½” $9 each 6/$50 12/$90
Hyphessobrycon pyrrhonotus Flameback Breeding Heart Tetra wild caught 1 ½” $4.50 each 6+ $4each 12+ $3.75 each 24+ $3.60 each
Hyphessobrycon sweglessi Red Phantom Tetra wild caught 1”+ 6+ $3 each 12+ $2.90 each 24+ $2.80 each 50+ $2.70 each
Hyphessobrycon vilmae chocolate neon tetra wild caught 1 ¼”+ 6/$35 12/$65

Ladegesia roloffi Jelly Bean Tetra wild caught 3/4″-1″ $4.50 each 6+ $4 each 12+ $3.50 each 24+ $3 each

Lepidarchus adonis Adinis Tetra wild caught 1/2″-3/4″ $4.50 each 6+ $4 each 12+ $3.50 each 24+ $3 each

Nannostomus marginatus dwarf red fin pencil fish wild caught ¾”+ 6+ $3.50 each 12+ $3.30 each 24+ $3each
Nannostomus unifasciatus one line pencilfish wild caught 1 ½” 6+ $3.50 each 12+ $3.30 each 24+ $3each
Nematobrycon larcotei Rainbow Emperor tetra wild caught 1”-1 ½” $4 each 6/$21 12/$36

Neolabias ansorgii Green wild caught 1” $12 each 6+ $10 each
Neolabias unifasciatus One Line Dwarf Tetra wild caught 1 ¼”+ 6+ $6.50each 12+ $6each
Paracherirodon axelrodi Cardinal Tetra wild caught ¾”-1” 6+ $2.50 each 12+ $2.30 each 24+ $2.15 each

Paracherirodon axelrodi Cardinal Tetra wild caught 1 ½” 6+ $3.50 each 12+ $3.25 each 24+ $3.00 each
Paracheirodon simulans Green Neon Tetra wild caught ¾”-1” 6+ $1.50 each 12+ $1.40 each 24+ $1.30 each 50+ $1.20 each
Phenacogrammus aurantiacus “orange form” wild caught 2” $25 each (on the cover of Amazonas Magazine)

Phenacogrammus interruptus Congo Tetra wild caught 2″ $12 each 6+ $11 each 12+ $10 each
Phenacogrammus pulcher African Copper Tetra wild caught 1 ¾”-2” $16 each 6+ $15 each 12+ $14 each
Poecilocharax weitzmani wild caught ¾” 6+ $4 each 12+ $3.75 each 24+ $3.50 each
Tucanoicthys Tucano wild caught ½”-3/4” $18 each 3+ $17 each 6+ $16 each

Killi Fish
Aplochelicthys lamberti wild caught 3/4″ $3.15 each 6+ $3 each 12+ $2.85 each 24+ $2.70 each
Aplochelicthys luxopthalmus Neon Green Lamp Eye wild caught 3/4″ 6/$25 12/$40

Aplochelicthys normanii wild caught 3/4″ $3.15 each 6+ $3 each 12+ $2.85 each 24+ $2.70 each
Aplochelichthys rancureli “Volta” wild caught 1” 6/$30 12/$55 24/$100

Epiplatys infrafasciatus baroi “Bindou Red” wild caught 2-2 ½” $12 each 6/$60
Epiplatys singa wild caught 2” 6/$75

Hypsopanchax zebra wild caught 1 1/2″+ $30 each

Procatopus similis Kumba wild caught 3/4″-1 1/2″ $10 each 6+ $9 each 12+ $8 each

Aspidoras, Brochis, Corydoras

Aspidoras pauciradiatus wild caught ¾”-1” $4 each 6+ $3.75 each 12+ $3.50 24+ $3.25
Brochis sp. CW034 wild caught 3” $40 each
Cory. burgessi wild caught 2” $18 each 6+ $17 each 12+ $16 each

Cory. eques wild caught 1 ½”-2” $26 each 6+ $24 each 12+ $22 each

Cory. duplicareus wild caught 1 3/4″ $17 each 6+ $16 each 12+ $15 each

Cory. gossei wild caught 1 ¾”-2 ½” $24 each (7 available)
Cory. cf. schwartzi wild caught 1 ¾” $6 each

Cory. seussi wild caught 2-3” 5/$140

Cory. similis wild caught 1 ¾” $15 each

Cory. sodalis wild caught 1 ¾”-2” $6 each

Plecostomus and Other Catfish

Peckolita compta leapord frog pleco L134 wild caught 2” $50 each

Trachelichthys exilis “false jaeguar cat” wild caught 2 ½” $25 each 6/$125 12/$200
Synodontis pardalis Leopard Syno wild caught 4-5” $135 each 5-6” $150 each

Inverts and Odd Balls

Collomesus asselus South American Fresh Water Puffer wild caught 1″ $10
Microctenopoma ansorgii Red “orange bush fish” 1 ½”++ wild caught $12 each 4/$40

Sicidium/Sicydium sp. algea eating goby wild caught 1 ½”-2” $15 each 3+ $14 each 6+ $13 each


Hi do you ship worldwide I'm interested .located Trinidad and Tobago .

Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk

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Ada_1022 wrote on hongyj's profile.
Hi I didn’t know if you still have any of the Apistogramma Cuipeua?
Would be interested if so.
Bill D. wrote on Apistoguy52's profile.
Looking for Dicrossus Maculatus. Do you have any?
Hi guys I'm new in this page, I'm having trouble with one of my apistogramma agassizii pairs the seem not to be coupling up , I'm using the exact same tank that I've use in the past to couple a pair successfully
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Please send me info regarding cuipeua. Thx, Joe.
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Where are you located?