I have been trying to find out as much as possible about these but information is limited and at times contradictory. My local shop has some of these: https://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archives/crenicichla_cf_regani_orinoco_en/
Apparently though they are now considered closer to notophthalmus than to regani. The fish collector has said that they don't get much bigger than they are now (biggest are around 8cm). But both regani and nothopthalmus are said to reach up to 15cm in aquaria.
What I really want to know is would it be safe to keep some (how many??) in a well planted aquarium that measures 160 x 60 x 60 cm. In particular I would like to know if my beckford's pencilfish and Otocinclus would be safe or liable to be eaten. The other tetras in the tank are bigger (emperor tetras and a Hyphessobrycon species similar to serpae. There are also Laetacaras and angelfish in the tank but I know these have been kept together with dwarf pikes.
Apparently though they are now considered closer to notophthalmus than to regani. The fish collector has said that they don't get much bigger than they are now (biggest are around 8cm). But both regani and nothopthalmus are said to reach up to 15cm in aquaria.
What I really want to know is would it be safe to keep some (how many??) in a well planted aquarium that measures 160 x 60 x 60 cm. In particular I would like to know if my beckford's pencilfish and Otocinclus would be safe or liable to be eaten. The other tetras in the tank are bigger (emperor tetras and a Hyphessobrycon species similar to serpae. There are also Laetacaras and angelfish in the tank but I know these have been kept together with dwarf pikes.