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I think I'm about to try. I have an albino fem showing colors and about 15 wc krib males looking for a girlfriend. I'm more curious than anything on how it will turn out.
Ive done this cross in the past with exactly the same parents, my female was a domestic albino and the male a Wild caught fish.
The two colours seem to be co-dominant with both being expressed almost 50/50 in the first generation.
My spawn was very interesting, once freeswimming and fresh out of the cave i witnessed something ive never seen before or since, the parents physically seperated the two strains into two seperate piles and removed the albino fry to a completely different location well away from the cave entrance. I took pictures and observed this interesting behaviour but unfortunately didnt make notes it was around 3-4 years ago now and i cannot remember exact details. From memory i think this remained for the first day and after that the fry mingled and shoaled together.
In my experience the albinism is dominant. If the albino parent is homozygous, all of the offspring will be albino. If the albino is heterozygous, only half will be white. I think that there is some loss of hardiness with the homozygous albino genotype. I rarely find (through crossing) a homozygous albino.
Well I may give it a shot and see what happens just for something fun to talk about with some of the enthusiasts that come into my store. The Female is looking like she's pretty interested in the wild male I put in with her. I'm already raising a bunch of kribs and working on taeniatus "nigerian reds" I was hoping for something odd- It will be interesting to see if this plays out!
I have an albino male and a real nice regular krib with lots of yellow in her. I picked her out of a tank full of kribs at That Fish Place. I have three spawns right now at different sizes. My plan is to take one of the albino females from these spawns and cross her back to the father. Then take an albino female from that spawn and cross back to one of the males from the original batch of fry. It's just something I have always wanted to try. My goal is to increase the amount of color in the albino strain. The spawns with the albino male and regular female have been producing 50% of both colors.