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Feeding fish


Well-Known Member
Quarantine, display, breeding or growout tank? Dry, frozen, freeze-dried or live food?
If quarantine: What state are the fish in? Do they even eat? Are they possibly underweight? -> 1-3x/day.
If display: Numbers and species besides dwarf cichlids have to be accounted for. Rather small amounts with regular fast days, often only once a day.
If breeding: The phase is important. Conditioning? 2x/day. Pre-spawn? 1x/day. Post-spawn? 1x/day. wigglers or free swimming? Up to 6x/day.
If growout: 2-6x/day depending on age, tank size and personal schedule (work etc).

Don cheech

Quarantine, display, breeding or growout tank? Dry, frozen, freeze-dried or live food?
If quarantine: What state are the fish in? Do they even eat? Are they possibly underweight? -> 1-3x/day.
If display: Numbers and species besides dwarf cichlids have to be accounted for. Rather small amounts with regular fast days, often only once a day.
If breeding: The phase is important. Conditioning? 2x/day. Pre-spawn? 1x/day. Post-spawn? 1x/day. wigglers or free swimming? Up to 6x/day.
If growout: 2-6x/day depending on age, tank size and personal schedule (work etc).
Thanks as always


Well-Known Member
How often with the fasting on a display tank
Still depending.
If the tank is an overcleaned glass box with no food sources accessible to any of the fish, you feed energy rich dry food of little other nutritional value and the tank is stocked with species that outcompete each other (like greedy tetras on top and slow and skittish dwarf dichlids or catfish at the bottom), you have basically no choice but feeding daily.
If you have a tank with established small critters like worms and infusoria and a lot of mulm, biofilms and detritus to keep the fish fed while only feeding live food... then you can basically alternate food and fast days daily.
And there's a whole spectrum inbetween.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
I usually feed them once a day (frozen or live foods)…
Same goes for when there is fry (-small and big), though it’s not ideal and something i always try to remind myself of doubling.


Don cheech

How about you make that a separate thread? Or use the search?

Because I think you might have misunderstood something about TDS.
Yeah, I am a bit overwhelmed these days too many issues taking its toll physically and mentally so but my Fish or my only joy right now and since I’m not an expert, I struggle to try and get things right and I just thought I would ask you that here, since you are really the only one that ever replies to me and I really appreciate that by the way

Don cheech

Yeah, I am a bit overwhelmed these days too many issues taking its toll physically and mentally so but my Fish or my only joy right now and since I’m not an expert, I struggle to try and get things right and I just thought I would ask you that here, since you are really the only one that ever replies to me and I really appreciate that by the way
Sorry for getting to personal


Well-Known Member
Everybody has their package to bear. I know too well myself.

Allright, I'll make this a quick one: As long as TDS and EC are not in the two-digit realm TDS are irrelevant. The parameter is very nondescriptive, as the "total" in TDS means there is no distinction in what exactly is dissolved in the water. So as long as this is not checked upon, the number doesn't say anything.
Once you know basic parameters of the source water like "there is no GH/KH measurable from the start", TDS and EC become valuable readings. But most people then just use EC.

If your train of thought was pushed by the approach some people do to do waterchanges once the number rises above a certain level to push waste products like Nitrates down... that doesn't really work. Again, because the number on the display doesn't tell you what it is comprised of.

Don cheech

Everybody has their package to bear. I know too well myself.

Allright, I'll make this a quick one: As long as TDS and EC are not in the two-digit realm TDS are irrelevant. The parameter is very nondescriptive, as the "total" in TDS means there is no distinction in what exactly is dissolved in the water. So as long as this is not checked upon, the number doesn't say anything.
Once you know basic parameters of the source water like "there is no GH/KH measurable from the start", TDS and EC become valuable readings. But most people then just use EC.

If your train of thought was pushed by the approach some people do to do waterchanges once the number rises above a certain level to push waste products like Nitrates down... that doesn't really work. Again, because the number on the display doesn't tell you what it is comprised of.
MacZ I thank you always for taking an interest and trying to help. I embarrassed to say what is EC also I don’t really understand what you’re saying because you’re at a level with this hobby that I am not even close to and probably never will be sorry for constantly wasting your time with me

Don cheech

MacZ I thank you always for taking an interest and trying to help. I embarrassed to say what is EC also I don’t really understand what you’re saying because you’re at a level with this hobby that I am not even close to and probably never will be sorry for constantly wasting your time with me
I do, however, really want to learn to do things, right I just got started really late in life with this hobby and also at a time when my brain is kind of shot. Are used to have aquariums when w

Don cheech

I do, however, really want to learn to do things, right I just got started really late in life with this hobby and also at a time when my brain is kind of shot.I did some tanks when I was younger but then I went into business at a young age and was working six days a week 12 to 14 hours a day and I finally got out of it about a year and a half ago so I decided to try and start up again Because I have a little more time now

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