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dwarf chichlids (which ones in a tropical community tank)



Currently, I have a 46 gallon bowed tank. The fish I have 2 guppies, 3 dwarf gouramis (blue and red stripe), and a albino paradise fish (this isn't a mutant fish of any sort is it, I didn't think so, but as I have no interest in buying any or anymore man made fish I would like to know).
I have my temperature set at 78-80, I have an Emperor 400 filter, my PH is 7.0 - 7.4. I have a small pebble substrate with many fake plants and slate and pvc caves and a piece of driftwood and a bubble wall taking up half of the back of the wall. I don't know how useful this info is, but it will probably help.
I am interested in possibly getting some dwarf cichlids that would be compatible with the fish I currently have in there now. I don't plan on changing any of my temperatures or PH, so they would have to be able to live in current conditions. Could anyone inform me which ones I could add and have things still be nice in the tank. I also plan on adding a snail or two or 1-3 fiddler crabs possibly and a bottom feeder of some sort.
As I know nothing about these currently and am researching now, any help would be great. Thanks.


Active Member
5 Year Member
toronto, canada
>>'As I know nothing about these currently and am researching now,...'

well, that is a smart move!

hi, i have had dwarf gourami's before and found them to be quite agressive,to the point of being nasty. are yours?

do you want to try getting them to breed in your water, or would you consider adding r/o to make it more accomodating for breeding? also, what is the gh and kh or your water presently? (aged sample from the tap.)



I have 3 male dwarf gouramis and they are semi-aggressive towards each other. Certainly more so when they are fed and then the food is almost gone. They do not go after the other fish I have in there currently though. In fact, my albino paradise fish will scare them away if they bug him and he is smaller than them in size.
I have no interest in breeding currently. I want to master taking care of fish first. As far as hardness goes, I think my test kit sucks, but what it says is it is just above being soft. It said like anything below 3 drops was soft water and I put in 4 drops to turn the water clear. That is how my test works. I don't have an interest in changing anything about my water or setup. I will run it as is, so with temp or 78-80 around and have a ph of 7.2 - 7.4 is what the LFS told me. Anyone have suggestions about dwarf cichlids I could put in with them, if any?


Active Member
5 Year Member
toronto, canada
blue rams (microgeophagus ramierizi) are a good place to start. i have kept them on and off and they are my favourite dwarf. if you can find nice ones, a young pair would likely do well in there. they are quite friendly and will eat from your hand with a little practice and seem very friendly. they are one of the most common and most popular dwarfs. they will do fine in your water, and you might possibly get fry in your tapwater.

a trio m,f,f, or even m,f,f,f of apistogramma cacatoides would also be suitable. they are a nice fish, and their fry might also live in there. they can get quite large for a dwarf, i have seen them 3 1/2" long.

kribensis would also be suitable, but i have never kept them, maybe others could coment on that.

i would also check your local sources and see which ones appeal to you in appearance. if you don't like the health of them, pass on them.



New Member
Sacramento, Ca.


Dwarf gouramis are much like Dwarf Cichlids in their behavior. Some can be very aggressive and others can be quite mellow. Because they are so much different in other areas (reproductive stategies, the level of the tank they occupy, etc.), they can certainly be possibilities for a Dwarf Cichlid tank.

i would also check your local sources and see which ones appeal to you in appearance. if you don't like the health of them, pass on them.

This is some very good advice. I usually advocate choosing the fish first and then seeing how well everything around it works. If necessary, then changing the other elements or inhabitants of the tank. The Dwarf Cichlids would be my focal point and choosing the one that i could get and liked the best is the focus.

kribensis would also be suitable, but i have never kept them, maybe others could coment on that.

This is the second good piece of advice that aspen provides. If you are worried at all about tankmates and stability, kribs are a great choice. The are veruy nice looking, interesting, not quite as demanding of water parms and will breed easily. A generally good choice for your tank, but far from the only one.


I have a community tank as well. 29gal, well planted.)
I started with one large Orange Gourami (@5-6" and very shy)
6 Neon Tetras
2 Cory Cats
3 Zebra Danios
1 Pleco
2 Platies

I had a dwarf powder blue gourami and added a regular dwarf. The powder blue constantly rammed the regular. I ended up returning the blue one to the LFS for credit, little bully. Then the platies started nipping at the other dwarf and sometimes the big one. I chased the platies around with the net for a few minutes (was gonna move to another tank) and they haven't bothered the gourami's anymore. I think the threat of being netted straightened out for now. Haha

Anyway, I just added a Ram too. What a cool looking fish. He was the only one in the LFS. Doesn't seem to be an abundance of these dudes. I almost never see females of any breed in the LFS. Everyone keeps saying to get a pair, but I don't see any females. Whats the best way to obtain the ladies? :)


Active Member
5 Year Member
toronto, canada
>>"Whats the best way to obtain the ladies?'

dress nice, take a shower and clean your fingernails! 8)

you do not really need to have a pair of rams. your male will be a nice fish even without a mate. but if you want a female, you will have to hunt around. seems some of the crappier lfs's decide that they sell lots of males and end up with all females so only order males. silly really...

good luck with 'the female hunt'.


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