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Dwar Cichlids


New Member
5 Year Member
springfield, Virginia
What would be the best tank mates for dwarf cichlids of the genus Apistogramma? WHat would be the best beginner apistogramma to keep in a 26 gallon established aquarium with a PH of 6.8-7.0, Gh of 6.0, and a KH of 4.0 with no nirtites of ammonia?



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5 Year Member
tankmates for dwarfes
blimey the list is endless
anything that is fairly small and swims in mid or upper region
ie. most tetras, not congos tho, they get big
i really like lamp eyes killifish, not sure there latin name? anyone?
they are a small normally whitish killi with a bright blue neon spot on there eye - v easy to keep
avoid bottom dwellers, like corys - theyll just annoy the apisto's and probly eat any eggs

starter apisto in a tank your size with your water, as long as the filter is good and keeps the water in top condition then pretty much any apisto will live happily, u have ideal conidtions, fairly soft acidic
is that out of ur tap? lucky if it is.

my personal favs are agassizi and cacatuoides
normally available in good shops, and probably the prettiest

my agi's spawned 2 days ago i think, cant wait to see the outcome


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5 Year Member
toronto, canada
>>'What would be the best tank mates for dwarf cichlids of the genus Apistogramma?'

i like to match my apistos with suitable fish for different species. congos seem to do well in tanks larger than yours, they get quite big and are healthy swimmers. they do well with more agressive apistos like cacatuoides in larger tanks. smaller tetras like neons, cardinals or glowlights would be better in that tank, a small school of the same species which will school would be nice. i like to buy tetras in groups of 10 or 12. ime, beckford's pencilfish are pretty hardy if you can get healthy ones. they are a very pretty fish when they are showing their breeding colours, nice dark brown or black with red highlights.

i have been playing with some live bearers lately, mollies seem to make good tankmates for apistos, as they occupy the top of the tank and will eat hair algae, etc. and seem quite hardy once established. small catfish, like a couple of dwarf bushy nose catfish would be nice for that tank, or a small school of oto's. there are some zebra oto's which are reputed to be more hardy than the regular ones, but they are expensive and hard to get.

i like to avoid cory's with dwarfs, they will eat whole spawns when the parents go to the surface to feed, others on this list have had no problems, YMMV.

try and design a group that wil last long term, ie when all of the fish are full grown, there is room for them to move around. a trio of apistos, (or a pair of rams) a small school of tetras, some small catfish and a pair of live bearers is a nice mix for that tank. live bearers also produce food for your dwarfs too. have you ever seen endler's live bearers? they are a pretty fish and will breed continuously if you provide the right conditions apparently. i would think they would suit less agressive apistos like borellii. guppy's seem to attract agression from cacatuoides and other cichlids ime, by their habit of waving their flowing tails, so i would stay away from them, maybe only a female or 2 or not.

you want some activity, but not too much, and you want to minimise agression. do a search of this forum for 'target fish' and dither fish'. this might help. there are lots of options.

>>'WHat would be the best beginner apistogramma to keep in a 26 gallon established aquarium ...'

a pair of blue rams, a. borellii or a. cacatuoides would be nice, but your guide should be 'what are the nicest and most healthy ones i can find' as well. stay away from nannacara anomala, or a. viejita as they can both provide agression problems, esp if they are wild caught (ime). stay away from barbs. they are quite nasty.



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5 Year Member
springfield, Virginia
Dwarf Cichlids

Someone once told me that a. cacatuoides can be quite agressive towards other tank mates, is that true? Can a. nijsseni be a good beginner fish and can they become agressive? Thanks for your help!



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5 Year Member
toronto, canada
i haven't had any exp with bad agression with a. cacatuoides except against other cichlids, esp male dwarfs.

>>'Can a. nijsseni be a good beginner fish and can they become agressive?'

maybe someone who has kept these can help. i think i know where you are going... you have a decent source for these fish and want to know more specifics before jumping in, right? good move.



New Member
Sacramento, Ca.


Can't remember if I have given you your welcome yet, Michael. But here it is regardless. Been so busy with the new site that haven't had too much time to keep up with things here!

Someone once told me that a. cacatuoides can be quite agressive towards other tank mates, is that true?

Cacatuoides can be fairly aggressive fish. However, it is usually directed to conspecifics. They usually don't bother with other dither fish in the tank.

Can a. nijsseni be a good beginner fish and can they become agressive?

Nijsseni, on the otherhand, is a different story. Although a member of the same grouping as cacatuoides, they are usually more aggressive to each other and, sometimes, everyone else in the tank. For this reason, I would not consider them a "beginner" apisto. But, I don't think that a beginner should necessarily be restricted to the easiest fish. If someone researches husbandry requirements well and has a committed resolve to keep and/or breed them, go for it! Nijsseni are not difficult to breed once the aggression issue is managed properly.



New Member
5 Year Member
springfield, Virginia
Dwarf Cichlids

Thanks for your help but I have one last question, do apistos take good care of their fry or should I put the fry into a tank all by themselves?


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