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Apistos & Nannacara!! Greetings!


New Member
5 Year Member
Hello from Germany,

I have my fish tank from years now, and finally I took dive into some really interesting species such as Apistos, P.managuensis, and more interested in breeding projects because it gives more opportunity to study the behavior of fish and their needs.

However, I am facing some issues in successful breeding of rams, apistos and Nannacara because beyond eggs, I never get to see any wigglers or fry yet. I have species tank so I see no opportunity of any other fish to influence the parameter of water or stress to fish for that matter. every tank is 60x30 and the filtration is all sponge. Completely cycled tank and TDS is range from 170ppm to 280ppm because I get hard water from my tap is actually at 240ppm, so I do my best to change water very frequently with range of 10% to 25% each session.

I am confused now because my Nannacara female was in breeding color and laid eggs but didn't let male fertile the eggs, she has been since chasing the male all the time. I moved the male for 3 weeks to my apistos tank and tank is adjacent to eachother so female was alone for the whole time was hitting the glass when she spotted the male in another tank. But then i saw all eggs had fungus and were on floor of the tank so I cleaned everything I moved the male back in the tank so that they could mate. But the things are still downhill, the female doesn't let the male to eat. I am confused and frustrated. I don't want to give up on them but I don't see a solution to it either. No spawns no nothing. Same is with Apistos eunotus, here male keeps chasing female. And no solution no eggs.

Can anyone please help me with some insight as how can get these things going?

Bart Hazes

Active Member
Your tap water sounds similar to mine and in addition to being hard probably also has a pH near 7.5-8. You don't tell us if your fish are wild caught but if not extensively adapted to harder tank water they may just not get into spawning condition without using RO or rain water. Since your tanks are relatively small rainwater might be worth considering. Food is also another important factor in getting fish ready to spawn. Dry food isn't conducive to spawning, frozen food is better and life food is best. You can easily grow different kinds of worms and you can culture daphnia or catch them in the wild. Finally, sometimes fish fail to 'fall in love' I've had pairs in similar conditions with one spawning regularly but the other having a very willing female but a disinterested male.


New Member
5 Year Member
Your tap water sounds similar to mine and in addition to being hard probably also has a pH near 7.5-8. You don't tell us if your fish are wild caught but if not extensively adapted to harder tank water they may just not get into spawning condition without using RO or rain water. Since your tanks are relatively small rainwater might be worth considering. Food is also another important factor in getting fish ready to spawn. Dry food isn't conducive to spawning, frozen food is better and life food is best. You can easily grow different kinds of worms and you can culture daphnia or catch them in the wild. Finally, sometimes fish fail to 'fall in love' I've had pairs in similar conditions with one spawning regularly but the other having a very willing female but a disinterested male.

Thank you for your kind reply!

Yes you are right, my Ph is ranging at 7.5-8 and I am using peat to bring the Ph down but in vain. I am not using RO because it removes the necessary minerals and I have had my fish die on me for this drastic change, so I avoid using RO:( also I sold my RO system after that.
As you suggested, I never used rain water so I will give it a try!

Food is great for my fish, they are pampered from variety of food everyday, from brine shrimps to blood worms to larvae to all live food, everyday 2 times, early morning and after office evening food. I am trying to grow black worms, so my culture is growing pretty slowly though.

My Appisto are F2 and F1. Nannacara is from LFS, because we dont have great breeders near to my place. For Appistos I had to travel 900Km by train to get them myself. they were rare.

Do you have any tips as how I can get them in mood for spawning. I am trying really hard. I just bought a new cave for them today, and got some Christmas moss over it.

Any suggestions is greatly appreciated:rolleyes:


New Member
Do you have something in the tank to break their line of sight? Multiple clay pots, plants, or maybe, a couple caves. Ad are they hrem breeders?

Bart Hazes

Active Member
I would say you are doing everything right and the water hardness/pH is the thing I would work on most. I have 24 tanks on pure RO water and have not seen any issues with mineral deficiencies, but all my fish are South American from natural water as soft or softer than my tanks so they must have ways to acquire the minerals they need.


New Member
5 Year Member
Do you have something in the tank to break their line of sight? Multiple clay pots, plants, or maybe, a couple caves. Ad are they hrem breeders?

Thank you for your kind reply, Yes. I have got the pot, rock and coconut cave for them. Maybe I need to put something more. I am trying to get my moss grow between them.


New Member
5 Year Member
I would say you are doing everything right and the water hardness/pH is the thing I would work on most. I have 24 tanks on pure RO water and have not seen any issues with mineral deficiencies, but all my fish are South American from natural water as soft or softer than my tanks so they must have ways to acquire the minerals they need.

On your advice I just bought yesterday RO system. Setting it up by tomorrow because office hours didnt let me get everything sorted on time.
Can you advice me how do you use your RO water and which type of RO system do you use?
I am using Filtermaster 190l. Osmopower 2.0. I just want to make water softer. I am not good with RO water system because this thing doesnt get into my head well, and I mess up water parameters maybe. I am looking forward for your guidance!

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