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"Apistogramma Anapixi"


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5 Year Member
HI, I have newer heard this name before, but I think it is the same as apistogramma sp galaxis(also called algodon 1 or 2)

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
A. sp. Galaxis (or Galaxia), also known as A. sp. Algodon I, A. sp. Algunas, & A. sp. Nanay (a bad name used for 2 fish), is most commonly called A. sp. Parrot/Papagei in the hobby. The fish shown has a cross-striped tail fin. Papagei has an unpatterned tail. Papagei also has a double spot caudal patch, with the fish in the picture does not show.

My guess is that "A. sp. Anapixi" is just another name for A. sp. Masked/Masken, A. sp. Apache, & A. sp. Carapintada (a bad name used for 2 fish). I would need to see more photos, including the female to be certain.


New Member
5 Year Member
Ap galaxis was sold in Norway as the same fish as pictured above. But that dosen make it rigtht :? But what is the difference between algodon 1and 2. I thought that algodon 1was the same as papagallo and algodon 1,sp frank and galaxis was the same fish??

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
You are correct. A. sp. Papagallo/Parrot/Papagei has been sold under all of the listed names. This is the problem with commercial names. Often 2 or more different species are sold under the same name. A. sp. Algodon I & A. sp. Algodon II are two different species. A. sp. Algodon I is the Parrot Apisto discussed above.

A. sp. Algodon II is a different species. It belongs to the A. cruzi-complex. It was named "A. sp. Parallel-stripes/Parallelstreifen" in Linke & Staeck's books, A. sp. Putumayo by Koslowski's (2002) book, and A. cruzi (in part) in Mayland & Bork's book & Römer's Atlas. It is part of Dr. Kullander's paratype series for A. cruzi (from the Rio Putumayo, the border river between Peru & Colombia), but it is sufficiently different to be considered a separate species in its own right. This species is found in both the Rio Putumay and Rio Ampiyacu systems. Some population in the Rio Ampiyacu are very colorful and can resemble certain populations of the Parrot Apisto, which come from the same system. The dark markings, however, are quite different.

A. sp. Parrot has a 2 spot "caudal patch". A. sp. Putumayo (=Algodon II) has a single (vertically) rectangular caudal spot that commonly is "pinched in" at the middle by a lighter zone to form a spot what looks roughly like a figure "8".

A. sp. Parrot has, at best, a series of 1 or 2 indistinct rows of spots on the abdomin. A. sp. Putumayo, like all cruzi-complex species, shows distinct horizontal abdominal stripes (3 on Putumayo) below the lateral band.

In brood dress, females of A. sp. Parrot usually have only two spots on the front part of the body. Females of A. sp. Putumayo have 5 spots on the back part of the body.


New Member
5 Year Member
The fishshop answered me that they got the name Apistogramma Anapixi from their exporter in Southamerica.
So Anapixi must be a tradename and the picture could be from anywhere, becasuse I guess their photos isnt from the shop.

Have Fisherking seen it anywhere else on the net?

Thru google I got this info: "Igarapé Anapixi, Barcelos, Mid- Rio Negro" could this be helpful to you?

After this weekend I will try to tell more about this fish.

Will "A. sp. Algodon" be easy or hard to keep and spawn?

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Thru google I got this info: "Igarapé Anapixi, Barcelos, Mid- Rio Negro" could this be helpful to you?

There is a regani-complex species that looks very much like A. sp. Masked/Masken from the upper Rio Negro around São Gabriel. It is called A. sp. São Gabriel or A. sp. Alto Negro. Perhaps it is this fish.

Will "A. sp. Algodon" be easy or hard to keep and spawn?

A. sp. Parrot/Papagei (= Algodon I) is not a particularly difficult species to keep and breed. In this respect it is similar to A. agassizii.


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5 Year Member
Bremen, Germany
Mike Wise said:
My guess is that "A. sp. Anapixi" is just another name for A. sp. Masked/Masken, A. sp. Apache, & A. sp. Carapintada (a bad name used for 2 fish). I would need to see more photos, including the female to be certain.

Hi Mike,

could you tell me more about the name A. sp. "Cara Pintada"?

My information is, that's a name for A. sp. "Winkelfleck". Is this the second species for this name? If correct, do you also know, which one of the two forms of A. sp. "Winkelfleck" it is?


Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.

You are correct. The first fish sold as A. sp. Carapintada (in 1999) is the the light colored form (A. sp. Winkelfleck 1/ Angle-spot 1, in Koslowski 2002). They were given this name by Panduro. It probably is the form that comes from the Rio Marañón near Nauta, Peru. It most likely is the same fish that Oliver Lucanus sold in North America as A. sp. Tiger-stripes. Sadly, Panduro later shipped fish from the Rio Ucayali with similar red face markings (A. sp. Masken/Masked) under the same name. The name "Cara pintada" (painted face) is now almost always used for imports of A. sp. Masken. Because of the confusion surrounding the name "Carapintada", I don't use it. Instead, I use A. sp. Winkelfleck and A. sp. Masken.


Active Member
5 Year Member
Bremen, Germany
Hi Mike,

thank you very much.

Of course I don't use these names either... it's just for my synonym-list.
And we had this problem a few weeks ago, where somebody asked for A. sp. "Cara Pintada" in our german dwarf cichlid forum.

many greetings,

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