Wow that's kind of a bummer because it is a good looking fish. Now that I know what I'm looking at though I won't get another if I do seem them. Thank you.Apistogramma sp. "Steel blue" (the fish above in the picture) have no connection with the species A. borellii. That's a misnomer due to the non-regulation of tradenames.
Steel blues are a hybrid of as of now still unknown origin and genetic makeup. A completely man-made fish. And as far as I know there are few to no females found in the trade. I wouldn't try finding one if I got such a fish by accident (as I wouldn't want them for any money in the world) because if it was the wrong species a chance of getting reallly messed up mutts is high.
True. I'd look for an alternative store, tbh.Also if it is a steel blue it is not a wc caught fish as those are only tank raised... which is an oddity if the store labelled as wc.