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  1. Jasonmc89

    Dicrossus filamentosus illness help

    Hi all, I posted a thread the other day about how I lost my big male checkerboard. I’ve since lost 2 more and am only left with one now. -pH 6.6 -Nitrate: 0 (creeps up to ~3ppm sometimes when I remove some floating plants) -Nitrite: 0 -Ammonia: 0 -GH 1.5 -KH 1 -Temp 27C -Lots of plants...
  2. C

    Gendering my two rams

    Hey can anyone give a second opinion on their genders please? The GBR was sold to me a male and the golden ram as a female. As their both juveniles i just wanted a second opinion, I watched them in the store for a long time so i think they are correct but just want to make 100% sure!
  3. C

    Nanochromis splendens

    Hi. I’m new to this hobby. I currently have a pair of d18 in my 29 gallon. ( 5 baby cory and a bristlenose). I just came across these beautiful fish named Nanochromis splendens. So my question is, is it possible for me to put a pair of these together with the d18 in the same tank?
  4. ApistoGirl<3

    Rio Negro Biotope Stocking

    So, I have been working on a 55 g Rio Negro biotope. I have gotten so much mixed info on the stock. Here is the tank, was cloudy because i had just added water and substrate, will be adding 20 more pounds and thick leaf litter and botanicals (hopefully apistos will like the bigger botanicals...
  5. Matthias.couckuyt

    corydoras pygmaeus in my female ivanacara adoketa's mouth

    So i've finally had the impression that my male was creating a great bond with one of the females and I was really enthousiastic about it. But then i got home 2 days ago and I saw this corydoras pygmaeus tail sticking out of her mouth... and I am really devastated about it. I was able to get...
  6. Bones

    Help with Identification.

    Just had this little girl show up on a new overseas shipment. I believe it's a female. Not sure of the ID. Please can anyone help?
  7. R

    Hello from Singapore

    Hey guys, I am a student currently studying in Chicago and I will be returning to Singapore over the summer. Really been looking into apistos for a while now and me and my dad are thinking of setting up a breeder tank in our Juwel Rio 125. I used to breed demasoni cichlids in this tank but I am...
  8. C

    Top tip for encouraging new dwarf cichlids to feed

    Hi everyone! I'm new here, a long-time fish fan but I recently got my very first Apisto, a lovely cockatoo dwarf Cichlid male. He settled in to the tank really well, and isn't afraid to come out and about to see what's going on. However, I had been getting a bit worried about him because he was...