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Search results

  1. P

    WTB Crenicichla regani

    Thanks Let me know if and when and I'll take a drive down and pick them up Pat
  2. P

    WTB Crenicichla regani

    oops, sorry US, Wisconsin
  3. P

    WTB Crenicichla regani

    Looking for Crenicichla regani males. I have 2 females looking for a mate. If you have or know of anybody who has please let me know.
  4. P

    All male apisto tank

    I have an all male tank that got started by accident. I’ve been breeding Caucatoides for several years and my spawns always seem to have a few more males then females. After I’ve sold off all the pairs, I would have a couple of left over males. Since I need the room to grow out the next batch...
  5. P

    My New Fish

    Thanks a bunch Mike, I really appreciate your help. When they first arrived I thought they were a male and female but I started to have my doubts not only in there apperance but in how they were interacting with each other. Not sure what I'm going to do with them now, but again many thanks...
  6. P

    My New Fish

    Additional photo's. I tried to to get pictures of them in fright mode, I don't know if they help or not, but since "film" is cheap here goes: Chased them around a little and then caught him in a net. Female trapped in the corner
  7. P

    My New Fish

    Hey, thanks for all the help so far. I do not think they are wild caught, as he lists his wild caught fish in a different section. Here are some more pictures 2 more of the male Ok now I'm off to figure out Nannacara I have Pat
  8. P

    My New Fish

    Thanks Mike. Since you are "the expert" I was hoping you could help me out. After reading your post I searched and searched to try and find out the differences in what I have and what I am suppose to have. Boy is there a lot of confusing info and pictures out there! I did find a post by you at...
  9. P

    My New Fish

    Got bunch of new dwarfs, mostly apisto's here are some pics Apistogramma steindachneri: Apistogramma hongsloi: I was hoping these were females but unfortunately I think I got all males. Take a look and tell me what you think: Apistogramma agassizii...
  10. P

    Are these males?

    I think both are males but would like a second opinion,or a third or fourth..... They are both slightly over one inch in size Ok Fish number 1 Fish number 2 TIA
  11. P

    Is this a Female?

    Darrel I'm in the US and bought them on line from a well known seller, so trading him in really is not an option when you consider the cost of shipping; not sure if its worth my time to ask for a refund. I'll put him in another tank and see if my LFS as any more females left. Thanks Pat
  12. P

    Is this a Female?

    Thanks for the responses, I figured it was a male but wanted to make sure since the person who sold me the fish is suppose to be an expert. He is known to be a bit grumpy do think its worth my time to ask for a refund? I bought them about 2 months ago. Also should I take him out of the tank...
  13. P

    Is this a Female?

    yes there is. he is much larger with more pronounced finage and color
  14. P

    Is this a Female?

    This was sold to me as a triple red female and when I got it, it looked that way but in the last week or so it looks more and more like a male