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Search results

  1. P

    breeding crenicichla compressiceps

    Hey Rick, Good luck with these guys, they can be tough to work with. A 35g tank is a little risky with the tank size, but it’s definitely possible. No matter what size tank, I still think they’ll go after each other. Mine did in a 90g planted. Just put A LOT of hiding...
  2. P

    Getting soft water - can distilled water work?

    mtchye I don't have a RO unit at home and my water from the tap is really hard with a high PH. The way I bring it down is by using either RO drinking water or Distilled drinking water that I purchase at the local Grocery store (.58 cents). To get the water parameters where I want, I...
  3. P

    Female Died. Will Male care for eggs/fry?

    Neil, Thanks for the quick reply. I had checked the cave before you replied, but the cave that I have for them is tough to see. It's a plastic peice of driftwood with a hole in it. The hole goes down pretty deep and there's a tiny opening ,so you can't really tell for sure if there are...
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    Female Died. Will Male care for eggs/fry?

    I got some bad news. My Viejita II Female died yesterday. :cry: I think from dropsy. The male still looks healthy. 4 days before she died, I believe she laid eggs. The reason why I think she laid eggs is because she was guarding her cave where she had previously spawned for just a few...
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    Flukes & Fry

    Thanks for the info Fishgeek :lol: Hopefully I can find a vet that will help me out. Never met one before. Hopefully they're a lot kinder than most doctors :wink: Take it easy. And if I find somewhere the Formalin can be purchased I'll post it up. Cheers.
  6. P

    Flukes & Fry

    UPDATE: Well, I wasn't home yesterday, so I'm not sure if they became free swimming yesterday. But I'm home today and I see them out and about with their mother. I've been monitoring them for a while now and they look healthy. No Flashing or "Death Rolls". Hopefully nothing will happen...
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    Flukes & Fry

    Aspen, Thanks for the prescription. I've been having a hard time with my PC, so I haven't been able to find formalin 37% on the web yet. Since they are already on they're 2nd spawn, I'm just going to let them go for it and wish for the best. I'm still going to look for the formalin though...
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    Flukes & Fry

    Well, in that case, what do you use on your fry or eggs?
  9. P

    Flukes & Fry

    A month ago I picked up my first pair of apistos. Viejita II(I think?). The tank was labeled as cackatoo's, but there's no way that they are them. I checked Max's site and they looked almost exactly like them (Viegita II). Just not as much dark red as his near the gills. Anyways, 2 weeks...
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    Help with some Regani's

    Tjudy, On my way home yesterday I picked up some feeder guppies and fed it to them. I doubted it was going to actually do anything, but I figured, why not give it a shot. Thanks for the list to go by. I already had done steps 1 and 2. As for 3, when you say add pure RO, do you mean just...
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    Help with some Regani's

    I forgot to mention that the Water conditions. PH: 6.4 GH: 2 KH: 1
  12. P

    Help with some Regani's

    I have a pair of Cr. Regani’s that I think are ready to spawn. The female’s belly is really red and the male is dark with a hint of fluorescent blue on the edges of his fins. The swim together in a 20g Long all day, just following each other. I have multiple caves for them...
  13. P

    German Rams and Eunotus

    Thanks and I appreciate the info. I would rather have the Eunotos in the 90G since there would be a couple of females. I never seen apistos spawn before with harem or just period for that matter. Hopefully they’ll do something in that tank. If not, they’ll have a whole 90g to...
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    German Rams and Eunotus

    Thanks for the info. I still have to decide which ones are going to be in the 90g. I thought it over and I don’t think I want 2 different species in on main tank. One will go in the 90g and the others will go in a breeding tank where I can control the waters a bit better. I would...
  15. P

    German Rams and Eunotus

    I'm thinking of getting some apistos. I would like to get some German Blue Rams and some Apistogramma cf.eunotus "Orangetail". Does anyone think that these guys be housed together in the same tank (90G)? Or should I just keep one species in the 90G. In case you're wondering. I'm redoing...
  16. P

    Newbie Breeding Questions (Dither/Water Conditioning)

    Wow. I’m surprised, that you had those results. I had 2 in a 10G. They weren’t a mating pair and they didn’t beat each other up. Well, good luck with your pikes. If you have any success, I’d appreciate the assistance, as I will do the same. Cheers.
  17. P

    Newbie Breeding Questions (Dither/Water Conditioning)

    Pikette, I think a divider for smaller tanks and many hiding spots for a bit larger is the way to go with these guys. I had them spawn in a 10g with a ton of shale. But after there was no fry, the male almost killed the female. She’s missing some of her caudal fin because of it...
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    Newbie Breeding Questions (Dither/Water Conditioning)

    Thanks for the input, especially the clarification on the R/O. I'm think I'm going to hold off on the R/O and try experiment with the Peat. The R/O units I've seen are a bit pricey for me. SkepticalAquarist.com has some good stuff on the Peat. I agree with you on the dithers. My pikes...
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    Newbie Breeding Questions (Dither/Water Conditioning)

    Hey guys, I’m kind of new to breeding Dwarf Cichlids? I breed some of my Central American Cichlids (Convicts), but them things are like Rabbits. I wasn’t really into breeding my fish and had some of my Cr. Compressiceps spawn a couple of times before, but I think my Honeycomb...