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German Rams and Eunotus


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5 Year Member
I'm thinking of getting some apistos. I would like to get some German Blue Rams and some Apistogramma cf.eunotus "Orangetail".

Does anyone think that these guys be housed together in the same tank (90G)? Or should I just keep one species in the 90G. In case you're wondering. I'm redoing my 90G to be a heavily planted tank. I figured I'd throw in some dwarf cichlids so that they can really enjoy the space and rear there fry with ease.

I'm new to Apistos, and wondering if the Orangetail is a harem breeder like other Apistos, and if it is a good apisto to start out with. I tried doing some research, but didnt find much on this particular one on the web. I hear the water conditions are pretty much the same (low hardness, slightly acidic, 80 degrees) and they are undemanding fish, but no specifics. I just don't want to purchase them and then have them die due to water conditions and such.

My Tap Conditions are below:
PH: 7.6
GH: 6
KH: 3

I've read that Rams and Cacautoides can be kept at my Tap condtions. Has anyone had experience with acclimating the Orangetails to those conditions and having them spawn? I rather not mess with the PH and all, but if it' necessary I mess with Peat Moss or Discuss Buffer. I just learned about the Oak leaves from this Site. :D I'll have to find some time to read through those posts.

Many thanks in advance.


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.

You shouldn't have much problem keeping either of those 2 species in a large planted tank with those water conditions. However, you might not be successful in breeding the rams in water with that hardness. Rams are more likely to hatch eggs successfully in water with less hardness, but it has been done in conditions similar to yours before. The eunotus should be no problem, but again, will probably more prolific in softer, more acidic water.


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5 Year Member
Thanks for the info. I still have to decide which ones are going to be in the 90g. I thought it over and I don’t think I want 2 different species in on main tank. One will go in the 90g and the others will go in a breeding tank where I can control the waters a bit better.

I would like to order the fish next week. But before I do so, can you verify that they are polygamous? I’m trying to decide if I should go with 2 pairs, or the 1 male and 2 or 3 females. Thanks for your patience.


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.
Your rams should go into the controlable environment where watr conditions can be managed more carefully. They are far more sensative to waste build up and the resulting nitrates. You may also want to manage the water pH and hardness to an optimum quality for their breeding, which would probably be 6.0pH and 2dGH.
The eunotus is from environments which are very diverse in their water parms and will likely be a better choice for the 90g.

can you verify that they are polygamous?

Yes, the eunotus are polygamous. However, the rams are kind of reverse polygamous. Females will often stay to another male shortly after spawning, leaving the male to care for the brood. I have found co-operative parenting in rams to be very good when only a pair is present. Aklthough some would say that they have had poor parenting results with rams.


New Member
5 Year Member
Thanks and I appreciate the info. I would rather have the Eunotos in the 90G since there would be a couple of females. I never seen apistos spawn before with harem or just period for that matter. Hopefully they’ll do something in that tank. If not, they’ll have a whole 90g to live their lives.


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