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Search results

  1. D

    Tank size question

    nm...got an answer
  2. D

    Tank Setup question

    Lol this is true. I figured it wouldn't be an issue if there was a barrier between the two.
  3. D

    Tank Setup question

    Hey all, I currently have a 40 breeder with rummy nose tetra, neon tetra, a Bolivian ram, and a male A. trifasciata. I am interested in getting a male A. agassizii blue flame. The trifasciata is kind of a jerk and I don't think he'd like another male apisto in the tank with him. I was...
  4. D

    Apistogramma behavior

    The camera does make the tank lighter than it is. No I don't have surface floaters. Dealt with duckweed and that kind of put me off surface plants. The barrier on the left side is more solid than it looks, but I am going to the LFS tomorrow to get a piece of driftwood and maybe a rock or two...
  5. D

    Apistogramma behavior

    Could I see a picture of what you are talking about?
  6. D

    Apistogramma behavior

    @Mike Wise @Ben Rhau Is this more along the lines of what you are talking about with territories and breaking up sight lines?
  7. D

    Apistogramma behavior

    So I've always had area in the front of the tank for swimming with caves etc toward the back-ish. Should I be putting hardscape/structure from the front glass to the back glass (wall to wall so to speak)? I'll include a picture of my current setup. As I'm attaching this picture I can see it's...
  8. D

    Apistogramma behavior

    I have. I will continue to do so.
  9. D

    Apistogramma behavior

    Thanks for the response. While I don't think that my tank is too open, it would appear that the behavior of the fish would suggest otherwise. I am going to be redoing some of the aquascape. Do you have, or could you point me to, any resources/examples of what I should be doing (like pictures...
  10. D

    Apistogramma behavior

    Hello all, I appear to have an issue in my 40 gallon breeder. I have a male A. cacatuoides, male A. trifasciata, and a Bolivian Ram with 12 neon tetras. It seems like the A. cacatuoides has claimed the entire tank as his territory. He will chase the Bolivian around but is much worse toward...
  11. D

    Setting up an Apisto tank

    Yeah so maybe 1 each of A. trifasciata, A. cacatuoides, and Bolivian Ram would be ok along with oto's and dither fish.
  12. D

    Setting up an Apisto tank

    Or perhaps 1 male of a couple different types of apistogramma with 1 Bolivian Ram? I really am not looking to breed any fish and maybe aggression might be curbed with the lack of female fish.
  13. D

    Setting up an Apisto tank

    Is keeping 3 Apistogramma trifasciata (1M/2F) and 2 Bolivian Rams possible in a 40 gallon breeder?
  14. D

    Setting up an Apisto tank

    Perhaps keeping A. borellii which are more higher pH tolerant may be a better idea than trying to tinker with the water chemistry and end up with something unstable or untenable.
  15. D

    Setting up an Apisto tank

    Ok so I reviewed those linked threads. I am familiar with a lot the things mentioned in the pH thread (I've taken 2 years of collegiate-level chemistry general and organic). I understand that the carbonates (KH) act as a buffer to maintain an equilibrium. I understand that less buffer = more...
  16. D

    Setting up an Apisto tank

    Hey all, I am setting up an Apisto tank in a planted 40 gallon breeder. I would like to put 2 Apistogramma trifasciata, 2 Apistogramma cacatuoides, and 2 Apistogramma borelli along with some neon tetra and rummynose tetra dither fish. I'm currently running a Fluval 307 and Fluval U3 filters...
  17. D

    Apisto Hopeful

    Hey all, I am not new to aquariums but I am new to the world of cichlids and I am hoping to keep apistogrammas. Hopefully I can learn more about keeping them here.