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Tempature relation and spawns


5 Year Member
Salt Lake City
I am farly new to keeping Apisto's i have one male orange flash and 2 females. i know that i have had at least one spawn that the female ate the wigglers. I saw another thread that talked about the tempature playing a large role in the sex of the spawn. What is the tempature that creates females and males? I had been told by the breeder that i got my fish from that it was water hardness. :)


5 Year Member
Victoria, BC
As far as temps go usually around 26C for equal ratios. The fry are sensitive to water parameters. The more common dwarfs can take neutral pH, but really you should be aiming for 6.5 and below (depending on the species! For instance Elizabethae's need pH as low as 4 for successful spawnings and optimal health). As well, low KH and GH are important for health and spawns. And just beware of your phosphate levels! The low KH can lend towards higher PO4 levels. Sadly I just lost a HUGE and gorgeous cacatoides to water params :frown:. Lesson learned...

Usually if the fry get eaten it could be that the female was spooked. It's hard to say one way or the other. If the water params are not conducive and the fry die, then the mother could also eat them I guess. Dunno, you'll have to wait for one of the experts to let you know about that one!

Do you have dither fish in there? Where's the aggression coming from and going to? How big is the tank?

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jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Please send me info regarding cuipeua. Thx, Joe.
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Where are you located?
Josh wrote on anewbie's profile.
Longtime fish enthusiast for over 70years......keen on Apistos now. How do I post videos?
Looking for some help with fighting electric blue rams :(