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Suggestion about filter


New Member
hello members,recently i join this forum as my latest crash is all about apistogramma keeping.i keep discus for 6 years and now it's time to move on another south american cichlid sp.

i have a 22 gallon tank(24*12*18) and having a HOB filter (chinese made) claimed that it's filtration rate is 500 ltr/hr.but i doubt that i may get max 300ltr/hr.so i am planning to buy a eheim 2215 canister filteror sunsun HW303 for this.i have heard that apistogramma perfers slow movement of water.

i'll be highly obliged if you kindly put some light regarding this matter.


5 Year Member
Bulls. New Zealand
I have become a huge fan of Sunsun over the last few years. I would pick one over an Eheim now because they are heaps cheaper, do a fantastic job and are almost silent but for a tank that small I wouldnt use a canister at all. I think a single sponge filter would be fine or just keep the small HOB.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Wiltshire UK
Hi all,
I'd keep the HOB, they aren't very popular in the UK, but they are good for biological filtration. Personally I like Eheim Classics, but a 2215 is over-kill. I'd either get a 2211/2213 or as Bilbo says an air-powered/power-head powered sponge filter would be fine.I like 2 filters per tank, it gives you a spare for a quarantine tank, or if your other filter breaks down etc.

Are the dimensions right? 24"x12"x18" is about 60 litres or 12 UK (15 US) gallons effective volume.

I don't see flow as a particular problem, I use what-ever Eheim filters I can get 2nd hand, and some of them are much "too big" for their tanks. I don't try and restrict the flow through the filter, I just make sure I have a lot of plants and structure, and then I drill out/add more holes in the spray-bar to give a diffuse flow.

You will need a pre-filter sponge on the intake if you have a canister filter. Have a look at this post for some details: <http://www.apistogramma.com/forum/i...-fire-red-breeding-behavior.11018/#post-59302>.

cheers Darrel


New Member
if i am not wrong it contains 22 US gallon.right now i am using tetra ex power canister filter.this canister filter has a flow control unit,so i adjust in such a way that those fishes don't fill unstable.

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