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kH/pH-drop resulting in ...Spawning Apistos????


Active Member
5 Year Member
Hi all.. !!

I got inspired to present/"lay out" some thoughts after reading an earlier thread..

As I have previously pointed out, some of my Apistogramma proliferations/spawnings not have been possible to start running without a limited sand-suction-water change .. (anyway, this tends to apply to species that do not come from very acidic / low pH water !!) ....

Since I am not an advanced chemist, so I am always looking statements to some effects that can be achieved in our aquariums ..
I've had a few theories to the effect that a KH-change or change in the amount of bacteria in the sand that have been affected by small water changes + suction (in an otherwise OK / functioning aquarium ..) can start behaviors + propagation of Apistogramma ..

This presentation of gerald, I think simply and descriptively explain what actually / probably occurs at a smaller water change when you also suck away some of the bottom sludge in an aquarium?? (As I usually do ..)
Perhaps this is not really news for most experienced aquarists ... but .... a good way (I think !!) that, in a clear and thought-like manner, explaining the course to himself + other interested people ???


Results of my sludge suction-water changes should then be ... (I guess??):confused:

- Lowering the kH .. (due to new bacteria cells in the purified sand that begins to consume the carbonates from the "free" (?) / Total volume of water, which also become "cleaner" / "poor" on the solute due to the water change itself ??)

- This should maybe then also generate a lower pH.

The question now is how fast the new / growing the bacteria can start to absorb / use significant amounts of carbonates (and other topics ..?) Out of the water volume????
I guess it can go faster than many think .. Then bacteria, at least in other contexts is known to double its amount in just a few hours or so !!! Eventually, however (?), this goes faster in a tank with a temp. at 25-26 degrees Celsius, compared to an aquarium that holds a temp of 21-22 degrees Celsius !! ??
This might also explain the info I picked up this spring .. from a pool firm's website ... about falling kH-value at the heat increase in their artificial nature-ponds in the springtime ..

At a water change moment .. when you suck sludge from a portion of the bottom surface (in the sand that you normaly have in a tank) .. I guess, that you can get double / triple effects .. even with just a small water change .. ??
(KH + pH reduction ... as well as this generates even less nitrite / nitrate quantities!)

These were just a few thoughts I got from gerald`s comment...


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roekste wrote on Josh's profile.
Good morning, Please can you delete the new members that is spamming the forum. Its all crazy.
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I'm looking for quality apistogrammas, can anyone recommend a good seller specialized in apistogrammas who ships in Europe? Thanks
Ada_1022 wrote on hongyj's profile.
Hi I didn’t know if you still have any of the Apistogramma Cuipeua?
Would be interested if so.
Bill D. wrote on Apistoguy52's profile.
Looking for Dicrossus Maculatus. Do you have any?