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Hi all..
I hope someone here can help me out... verify or explain..
Since I have some information(hearsay) about Glutaraldehyde-CH2(CH2CHO)2 ..existing in some chemical "cleaning"/washing-products or -mixes used inside large oiltankers( and in the shipping industry) ..
I am wondering what effect Glutaraldehyde actually have/provides in/to our planted tanks ..? (even if in very small tiny doses..)
It is sold(in fluid "plant-nutrient-mixes") under the pretense as/for "bringing" enhanced amounts of Carbon to the plants..
Are Carbon-molecules or other important chemicals "released" from the actual fluid mix into the water .. creating more CO2 in the tank???
or ..do these mixes (containing Glutaraldehyde), in a smart/simple way, clean the stomata+cleaning the areas for radiation-absorbtion (mostly the leaves??) of our plants..and therefore enable the plants to function/grow in a better way??
I know several situations with enhanced plant-growth(Echinodorus sp. + others) after changing more water than usual.... When adding new water(+oxygene?)..maybe we then are "cleaning" the plants so to speak????
..and probably also "creating"/"tie up" new available useful chemical compounds into the water.. dissolved from the nutrients resting in the bottom sediment..??
or is it improving the clearity of the water.. leading to more light-radiation reaching the plants?
I know these are quite specialized questions, but I had to ask anyway... after having attended in threads
concerning the importance of enough water circulation for plants in tanks.
(One more thing..!! In "greenhouses" where our plants often are cultivated, they are being sprayed with water..and "nutrients"?? They are not actually (rarely) placed in the water, ..so this problem/situation may not then occur at all...when plants are kept in the open air (with much free oxygen-O2).. or ..at least when leaves are positioned above the water surface during cultivation..or in a paludarium/terrarium?)
If the "cleansing effect" is the main-/keyfactor.. is this effect then only important for the stomata (on/at the leaves of the plants..) ?
..or is it maybe an important factor for the whole/entire plant (including stem and other parts) ???
I hope someone here can help me out... verify or explain..
Since I have some information(hearsay) about Glutaraldehyde-CH2(CH2CHO)2 ..existing in some chemical "cleaning"/washing-products or -mixes used inside large oiltankers( and in the shipping industry) ..
I am wondering what effect Glutaraldehyde actually have/provides in/to our planted tanks ..? (even if in very small tiny doses..)
It is sold(in fluid "plant-nutrient-mixes") under the pretense as/for "bringing" enhanced amounts of Carbon to the plants..
Are Carbon-molecules or other important chemicals "released" from the actual fluid mix into the water .. creating more CO2 in the tank???
or ..do these mixes (containing Glutaraldehyde), in a smart/simple way, clean the stomata+cleaning the areas for radiation-absorbtion (mostly the leaves??) of our plants..and therefore enable the plants to function/grow in a better way??
I know several situations with enhanced plant-growth(Echinodorus sp. + others) after changing more water than usual.... When adding new water(+oxygene?)..maybe we then are "cleaning" the plants so to speak????
..and probably also "creating"/"tie up" new available useful chemical compounds into the water.. dissolved from the nutrients resting in the bottom sediment..??
or is it improving the clearity of the water.. leading to more light-radiation reaching the plants?
I know these are quite specialized questions, but I had to ask anyway... after having attended in threads
concerning the importance of enough water circulation for plants in tanks.
(One more thing..!! In "greenhouses" where our plants often are cultivated, they are being sprayed with water..and "nutrients"?? They are not actually (rarely) placed in the water, ..so this problem/situation may not then occur at all...when plants are kept in the open air (with much free oxygen-O2).. or ..at least when leaves are positioned above the water surface during cultivation..or in a paludarium/terrarium?)
If the "cleansing effect" is the main-/keyfactor.. is this effect then only important for the stomata (on/at the leaves of the plants..) ?
..or is it maybe an important factor for the whole/entire plant (including stem and other parts) ???